Chapter 20 - Friends or Foe?

Start from the beginning

Katerina continues to speak on the phone to my brother, unaware that I'm being carelessly flung into a car and driven away.

It takes her quite some time to discover I'm missing.


I feel sick and my head hurts. My head really hurts.

It's resting on a soft lap as I stirr awake. I'm with Katerina. No. It's smelly Elena.

I whimper in fear when I don't recognise where I am. Elena hugs me to her chest, trying to stop me feeling so scared but I can hear her heartbeat.

She's terrified too.

"Shhh, it's okay," she tries to sympathise with me. "Can we be temporary friends until we're both safe again?"

I notice Stefan driving us in his car and my anxiety spikes. Nodding quickly to convey my agreement, I bury my face in Elena, trying to hold back tears.

But they come like a flood.

"So, what's the plan, Stefan? What's the big move you're making?" Elena demands to know his plans.

"I took Klaus' family to make him suffer. I'm not gonna let him make himself a new one."

"So, what are you gonna do, huh? Are you gonna lock me in some cave and keep me hostage?" She antagonises him stupidly.

"Maybe. Maybe, I'll just turn you into a vampire."

Elena's heart rate speeds up and up. She's shocked at what he's saying and she's just as scared as I am.

"What about Hedda?" She holds me protectively away from him.

"Ahh yes. The baby sister. She's just here for fun," Stefan revs the engine and Elena screams.

"Stop the car, Stefan!"

He ignores her and does it again.

"Stop being mean," I cry, not understanding why Stefan is doing this. "I haven't done anything to upset you."

"You're a Mikaelson Hedda. That's all that matters," Stefan says harshly, still on a mission to harm my family.

Elena screeches for him to stop again but Stefan laughs at us, crowded together and terrified in the back of his car.

He picks up his phone.

"Stefan, how nice to hear your voice," my big brother speaks to him down the line.

"Nik!" I scream, knowing he will hear me. "Help."

Stefan threatens me with more vervain if I don't shut up while Nik goes ballistic, yelling and threatening Stefan if he so much as touches a strand of hair on my innocent little head.

"Tell your hybrids to get out of town, Klaus," Stefan gives him an ultimatum. "Or I'm gonna drive your blood source and baby sister off Wickery Bridge."

Nik says nothing. Nothing. Doesn't he care?

Stefan bites into his wrist and reaches back, trying to force Elena to drink his blood.

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