Breakfast in bed

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Test tubes pov

Fan suddenly leans over and falls into my arms, completely unconscious and not seeming to hear me calling for him.

"Fan..?" I whisper, confused and extremely worried.

I lift him up and place him on my bed, widening my eyes by how unexpectedly light he was. Then I check all of his symptoms and diagnose him with a sudden fever, which somehow made him completely pass out.

As I rummage through my shelf to find some pills or medicine of some sort, my ears pick up a faint ringing noise, which I quickly realise to be my phone alarm.

And the only alarm I set for today was for breakfast...

What perfect timing.

To make it worse, I couldn't find a single bit of medicine that would help fan right now.

I looked at him for a few seconds. He lay on my duvet, and I can't describe how he looked with the word "peaceful".

He looked distressed, and still very pale. He was sweating a lot, so I decided against the idea of turning him into a blanket burrito for his comfort. I climbed onto the bed and propped him up against my pillow, and for a quick second, my hand held his face to adjust his head out of that spine breaking position.

I looked at his face and my heart sank a little. Seeing him in this much discomfort just didn't feel right for me.

I was used to his cheerful mood and that awkward smile..

I smile to myself thinking about it. His clumsy-ness and nervousness around everything. Even if he was insecure about himself sometimes, I always helped him through it.

He always thought he was annoying, and I always disagreed with him.

I look at his face again and he seems to be more at peace than before. I feel my heart melt at the fact that he isn't in any pain.

I hate when he is in pain. Especially emotional pain. 

I remember the one time in the past where he came to me and had a complete breakdown about himself. While he was questioning his self worth, he sank to the floor in tears and my heart completely shattered. 

I helped him through it, reassuring him over and over that he had nothing to worry about and that I appreciated him. I remember hugging him and letting him cry into my chest until he eventually fell asleep. 

Since then, whenever he looked down on his own personality, I always tried to cheer him up.

After all, I thought his personality was really cu-


My face falls for a second in realisation

Was I just about to call him



Noticing the pattern, my eyes widen in realisation. I look at his face and immediately take my hand off it and jump away from the bed, slightly panicking.

Charge between us (FANTUBE YEAHAHHA)Where stories live. Discover now