Chapter 17-The Tradeport

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The Millennium Falcon weathered last night's blizzard amazingly well. Anakin entered the cockpit, that strange feeling from earlier returning. On a hunch, he pressed the transmission button on the console.

A hologram message from Obi-Wan appeared. "Anakin, it is urgent you contact me right away. Something has happened on Coruscant that may place you in danger."

Anakin pulled his commlink from his robes. "Obi-Wan, I received your message. Tell me, what's happened."

Obi-Wan's image appeared instantly, long hair in disarray and eyes blood shot. "Thank the Force you finally replied! Senator Kavan Brig has been assassinated."

Folding his arms, Anakin widened his stance. "We had a blizzard that made communication impossible." He returned to the main issue. "So, Cassandra may not have been the target after all. Brig was present when the assassin entered the Chancellor's box. He was seated beside her."

"Don't be hasty. We cannot be entirely confident Senator Brig was the target. Master Pierce is being hunted by a rogue witch." Obi-Wan warned. "Remember, complacency gives our enemies a chance to strike."

Anakin only just refrained from rolling his eyes. Master Yoda had preached the same thing countless times. "Nothing has changed. I will continue to protect Master Pierce." He kept his tone empty, so Obi-Wan wouldn't suspect Anakin was up to something. "Is there anything else?"

A strange emotion passed across Obi-Wan's face. It passed quickly. "No. Presently, both the Jedi Council and Senate have opened a joint investigation into Senator Brig's assassination. When I have more information, I will contact you."

"What does the Chancellor say about this?" Anakin asked.

"His Excellency is handling the Senate. Master Yoda plans to meet with Palpatine on the morrow." Obi-Wan answered.

"Good. The Chancellor will get to the bottom of this."

His master sighed exasperatedly. "Anakin, I have never understood your friendship with Palpatine. He is a politician. You should be cautious with your trust."

Anakin groaned. "Not this again, Master! The Chancellor is a kind, compassionate man. He's always treated me with the utmost respect."

Obi-Wan pushed back his sleeves, settling on a meditation bench. He appeared to be in one of the numerous meditation chambers scattered throughout the Jedi Temple. "Clearly, we'll never see eye to eye on Palpatine. Let's set politics aside. How are you, my friend?"

"I'm doing fine." Anakin replied from the pilot's seat.

"You seem...happy." Obi-Wan ventured cautiously.

Anakin's guard went up. What did Obi-Wan mean? Did he guess something was up between him and Cassandra? He schooled his face into a neutral expression. "I am just glad to finally be a Jedi Knight."

"Ah. You were chafing at the bit, I must admit." Obi-Wan brightened. "But know, I am proud of you Anakin. I envision a bright future ahead of you."

Anakin offered his master a genuine smile. "Praise from you is rare. What's got you in such a sentimental mood?"

"I don't know." The other Jedi's mouth quirked wryly. "Old age, maybe?"

Anakin laughed. "Well, if you don't want to be mistaken for an old man, maybe shave the beard."

Obi-Wan stroked his beard self-consciously. "I feel it makes me look distinguished."

"Distinguished is another word for old." He teased.

The other Jedi shook his head despairingly. "I should go. I must meet with the Council soon. May the Force be with you."

"And with you, Master."

Love In A Faraway Galaxy-AnakinxOCWhere stories live. Discover now