part two of four

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The unit helicopter lands at the unit tower and out steps sam and jack harkness .
So this is the new base jack says looking impressed.
Well we can't all live and work underground in a derelict building in cardiff smirks sam.
Oi don't knock my base it's amazing even every single broken bit replies jack .
Come on harkness let's get inside orders sam.
Well this is a honour smirks jack as they enter the unit tower .
Jack sits down at the desk next to Donna .
He looks up and notices donna oh my god miss noble and embraces her .
Hey jack replies donna .
Jack with me says kate .
Jack follows kate to a private jet and off they set on thier journey to area 101.
Kinda reminds me of area 51 the name says jack .
I know I thought that too harkness replies kate .
Anyways good to finally meet you miss stewart says jack .
And you captain says kate
Arriving by the unit jet it lands just out on the tarmac opposite area 101 .
Outsteps kate and jack there long coats flapping behind them .
Oh god says kate clutching her head jack runs to her and holds her .
What is it kate he asks .
It's my mind kate cries out in pain .
What about your mind asks jack .
It's like my mind is burning replies kate .
Burning how asks jack .
Like fire but distorted images replies kate clearly in distress .
What sort of images asks jack .
It's my dad it's images of my father says kate screaming .
Come kate go back on the plane I'll check out the place orders jack .
If you insist replies kate painfully .
Jack walks into area 101 and pulls out his revolver .
Jack looks around holding his gun close to his body .
The whole thing is one massive airçraft carrier but one thing is different they are not holding aircraft here to jack's horror he sees they are hundreds of spectre shapes typing away and printing out millions of lottery tickets
Jack hides behind a wall and speaks to kate through his com link kate it's area 101 they are making the lottery tickets for sure don't know why how are you feeling.
Much better thanks comes kate's reply I'm inside the jet seems to keep my head from exploding but I don't think I'm gonna be much use to you captain I'm sending lieutenant sam bishop to you hang tight
Hang tight eh replies jack with a smirk when has that ever suited me
Jack arms his revolver and walks towards a door marked private .
Sod private he says picking the lock with his lock picking kit
Stop orders a voice behind him and he feels a blade digging into his ribs .
Drop the gun harness the voice hisses
Ok says jack putting his gun on the floor.
Jack spins round and a green hand smashes him to the ground out cold .
Captain come in says kate

End of part two

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