The 2 years relationship was spilled on the floor for nothing, for pure emptiness.

The love he believed in created the biggest hole inside of the young man, who was just finding himself in life.

He decided that no-one will behave like that with him.

He will never be played and he will never allow anyone to behave like that with him.

The boy came out of the poor background on the Sydney city and then parents returned back to Seoul city for the best and it turned out horrible for all of them, the father who lost his job and the mother who started cheating and left for other man.

He was left alone as dad was hardly managing things for getting the son he had and the boy had to take care of himself, the only help was coming from the granny who sent him some spare money she could occasionally. He meant to study for being the good surgeon but it all crashed as the man appeared in his life, taking the life out.

The hopes for the all the positive things went to the other sides as he started changing into a cold, handsome man with the help of his best friend at the moment and it was a hard thing to do, his action were everything the young an could never do.

He was clumsy, not pretty with a lot of freckles that he used to cover and bad posture and that was the long was of one.

The whole life depended on the thing of becoming everything but the old Yongbok.

He changed the name moving to the other side of the city as Minho helped him to change the style as they both spent the most time creating the whole new side of new boy under the name Felix.

He was cold, confident and reserved with all manners that other will crave for and the changes as colour and length changed him for real, the beauty was open for him as he started working out creating the body of the dream as he met buy occasion the boy named Han who was working in the industry of modelling who changed his life for better, he made him meet the agency and they just stole him for their own use as now editorials were on and the young face was creating the interest in the life of the both him and his friend who fell for the other boy and they were now in three together living in the big studio in the heart of the city.

Present times

-Felix, you have a new shooting today, get u ass out of the bath tub!

Minho shouted on the whole flat as he looked at the clothes on the floor, the previous night party was having an effects on the whole group.

-I need 5 more minutes!

The younger shouted as the other looked annoyed by the fact he had to clean the whole house again.

He had his own restaurant and the privilege of being boss meant he had to take care now of two naughty kids.

-I dare him, if he won't get out of the bathroom, I will remove the doors!

Minho told entering the kitchen where Han was making a helping drink as he held into the head.

-I guess the last half litter was too much.

Han answered looking with no hope at the older.

-The last 2 litter were too much, bae.

He came to him kissing the younger on the nose as other just purred trying to not make some big movements as his head was too dizzy.

The other one finally left the bathroom getting in the new clothes Han prepared for him.

-Hoe, u look great!

Han said as Felix ran into the kitchen taking some pill as he showed the tongue to the younger leaving the flat as fast as he could as he had the important shoot that day.

-Kids, why the fuck I have to clean this flat all the time!

Minho too the vacuum cleaner looking at the mess around.

-Cause u have time, baby and u are the best in the world.

-This excuse should stop working at all but it somehow works still, do u know how?

-Have no idea?

Han smiled getting the coat as he pecked the older slapping him on the butt.

-Good luck!

He winked as he ran outside as the random object was thrown in his direction.

-These kids...

Minho just signed starting the clean up process as he had to leave for the office soon himself.

Felix's POV

I ran inside the big building greeting the managers as they looked annoyed but they could only bare buy existence as I was their biggest project, have u seen Korean with freckles? Then, u should know, it's hot.

I entered the elevator as my manager went after me.

-Rough night?

He asked and I smiled.

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