twenty one → record breaking

Start from the beginning

as the decisive game loomed, the players couldn't escape the weight of the moment. while some had tasted grand finals in their club teams, this encounter was on a different scale. the stakes were high, and the team felt the gravity of the situation.

in the customary locker room speech, evelyn addressed a recurring concern—early goals conceded in previous matches. "stay focused from the very beginning," she urged. "we can't afford to slip away early and expect a leveller soon after."

her words resonated in the room, where a mix of determination and nerves painted the faces of her players. the coach encouraged them to embrace the moment, emphasising that they had already conquered two incredible games.

this clash was dubbed the "grand final" by many, even though it was part of a round-robin format. outside, cheers and chants for the american team created an electric atmosphere, amplifying the tension and excitement surrounding the upcoming match. the matildas knew they were stepping onto a stage where every move would be criticised, and the pressure was on to deliver a performance worthy of the occasion.

as the locker room emptied, leaving them alone, she found herself standing in front of the striker once again. evelyn maintained her composure, unfazed by sam's consistently ignorant attitude towards her.

"what do you want now?" sam mumbled, already on her feet and heading towards the exit.

evelyn raised an eyebrow. "are you going to let me finish?"


rolling her eyes, evelyn continued, "well, i was going to give you this for the game." she held up a bright green armband—the captain's band. "but if you're gonna act like that, i'll give it back to lisa."

sam stared at her, a hint of confusion crossing her face. "you want me to be captain today? why?"

evelyn smirked, "because i believe you can lead this team to a win today, sam. you're a leader on the field, whether you realise it or not. now, are you in?"

the striker hesitated, a mixture of emotions playing on her face. after a moment, she extended her hand to take the captain's armband, almost snatching it out of the girl's hand. "fine, thanks. but this doesn't change anything between us."

evelyn nodded, acknowledging the unspoken agreement. "it's about the game, sam. you've made it clear how you feel about me."

as they headed out to face the opponent on american soil, evelyn hoped that this unexpected decision would prove to be the catalyst for success. the weight of the captain's band on sam's arm symbolised an upcoming chapter for the team, foreseeing the future of leadership of australian women's football.

as the striker walked out of the locker room, lani had passed her on the way out, walking back in to fix her hair quickly.

"sam as captain?" she smirked, rummaging through her bag, "i didn't think you were back on good terms already."

evelyn sighed, "we're nowhere near that, she's not even trying." she ran a hand through her hair, frustration evident in her expression. "aside from us, she's got the skills, and i need her head in the game. it's a risk, but if it pulls out the best in her, it's worth it."

lani raised an eyebrow, glancing at evelyn through the mirror as she tweaked her bun. "she's never been given this opportunity before, i think she'll relish it, even if it's not obvious to your face."

solitude → sam kerrWhere stories live. Discover now