ace led the way, chatting with the others about random topics and sharing anecdotes from the tour. you strolled along the sidewalk, the vibrant city life unfolding around you. the conversation flowed effortlessly, laughter echoing in the air. 

as you strolled, your eyes caught sight of a quaint vinyl store nestled between two buildings. you tugged gently on ace's hand, directing his attention. "look at that," you said, your voice tinged with excitement.

the group followed your gaze and came to a halt as they spotted a vinyl store, its large window adorned with vintage album covers and posters. the iconic sign reading "retro vinyl" was enough to pique everyone's interest.

gene was the first to break the silence. "we should check that out," he said, his tone full of enthusiasm.

excitement rippled through the group as you entered the vinyl store. the warm aroma of aged records filled the air, invoking a sense of nostalgia. As you browsed the aisles, your fingers trailed over the spines of various albums, each one holding memories of a bygone era.

ace, with his mischievous grin, picked up "ace frehley," his solo album. "still the best one," he declared, earning a playful eye roll from the others.

paul's eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint as he pulled out one of their albums from the shelf. "now, here's a classic," he declared, holding up "destroyer" with a proud grin.

paul chuckled, patting ace on the back. "the good old days, huh?"

as the banter continued, eric, a hint of mock irritation in his voice, joined in. "you guys are stuck in the past. let's find some creatures of the night, the real deal."

ge dramatically pulled out the vinyl, proudly displaying it to the others. "this, my friends, is where i came in."

ace raised an eyebrow, a playful grin forming. "oh, cranky carr wants his moment in the spotlight!"

eric shot him a look, feigning offense. "hey, i earned it. let's see how well you guys do without me."

amidst the banter, you quietly made your way to a section labeled "classics" and began flipping through childhood favorites. the familiar album covers brought a rush of memories, a private moment of reflection amidst the lively debate.

while the banter continued, you found yourself drawn to a corner of the store where a collection of childhood vinyls was neatly arranged. as you delicately flipped through the records, memories of your younger days flooded back.

in the midst of the playful argument, the store owner, a middle-aged man who had been engrossed in organizing records, suddenly looked up and noticed the famous faces in his store. his eyes widened in disbelief.

unable to contain his excitement, the owner rushed over, interrupting the heated debate. "holy shit, kiss!" he exclaimed, his voice trembling with excitement. "can i get a picture? autographs?"

the group, momentarily caught off guard, shared amused glances before obliging the enthusiastic store owner.

during the exchange, the atmosphere shifted. the store owner, satisfied with the unexpected encounter, returned to his duties. however, the others noticed you were still engrossed in the vinyls, seemingly unaware that the lively conversation had moved on.

as the group decided to explore more of the store, paul noticed your oblivious state and concocted a mischievous plan. silently, he gestured to gene, and together, they crept up behind you.

suddenly, they let out a boisterous, synchronized yell, startling you out of your reverie. the vinyls flew out of your hands, and you jumped, wide-eyed, as the unexpected scare resonated through the store.

as they all erupted in laughter, you stood there grumpily, shooting each of them an unamused look. "you think you're so fuckin' funny, huh?" you quipped, your irritation evident.

paul, sensing your annoyance, approached with a sheepish grin. "come on, y/n, it was all in good fun," he said, offering a hand to help you collect the fallen vinyls.

rolling your eyes, you couldn't help but crack a reluctant smile. "yeah, yeah, hilarious," you replied, taking paul's offered hand. the others, still amused by the unexpected scare, continued to chuckle as the vinyls were carefully gathered and placed back in their designated spots.

after spending a considerable amount of time immersed in the vinyl store's treasures, the group reluctantly decided to leave with your hands empty. as you walked out into the crisp afternoon, the street bustled with activity once again.

ace, quipped, "well, we came, we saw, and we left with nothing. that's a successful shopping trip, right?"

gene, however, was less lenient. "are you kidding me? we were inside there for hours, and we came out empty handed? it was a waste of time!" by hours, he meant like thirty minutes.

ace couldn't help but laugh. "oh, come on, don't be like that," he said, slinging an arm around your shoulders. "right, y/n?" you nod, smirking.

gene huffed but couldn't help but smile at the camaraderie. "yeah okay, let's at least get a damn record or somethin' next time."

as you continued down the lively street, the banter among the band members persisted. the vibrant city atmosphere provided a backdrop to the friendly arguments and laughter, creating a harmonious symphony of sounds and colors.

ace, sensing your quiet contemplation, gently nudged you. "what're y' thinking, my special space lady?" he whispered, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity.

you looked up at him, a soft smile playing on your lips. "just thinking about how much i love days like this. simple, and filled with the people i care about."

ace grinned, squeezing your hand. "well, get ready for more days like this, 'cause you're stuck with us."

"well, i sure wouldn't have it any other way."

𝐈'𝐌 𝐈𝐍 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ; ace frehley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now