x. flowers from a friend

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Molly dropped her head and felt her cheeks start to heat up in embarrassment. She raised her head again and smiled at Robby.

"No. But I want to be an EMT when I'm older. So I know a lot of the basic stuff. I can look at it and if you don't trust me I can run and get the medic." Molly suggested, pointing behind her to the way back into the arena.

Robby just stared at Molly. He couldn't decide whether or not he should get her help. On one hand, she was technically the enemy and he knew practically nothing about her. But on the other hand, he truly didn't think she'd do anything to him. Plus, Robby thought she was extremely pretty. He probably couldn't say no.

Robby slid further down the bench so there was space for Molly and gave her a small smile as an invitation to sit.

Molly sat down beside Robby as he moved the gi off his shoulder so she could get a good look at it. Molly touched the edge of Robby's shoulder, about to ask him if what she had done hurt, but before she could, Robby gasped in pain.

"Sorry." Molly muttered before she moved her hand and touched a part of his shoulder that was a couple of inches away from the nape of his neck. "Does this hurt?" She asked. Robby's eyes squinted for a second. "Not as much as the last spot." He said as he looked to Molly.

Their faces were inches apart and Mollys heart jumped at their closeness, growing uncomfortable. Molly immediately scooted herself a couple of inches away from Robby before she cleared her throat.

She looked down at Robby's shoulder and shook her head. "It's a slight dislocation, I can pop it back into place if you want." Molly said. She looked back up to the boy and pursed her lips.

Robby nodded his head and shut his eyes as tight as he could. "Do it." He muttered, waiting and ready for the pain. Molly watched Robby for a few seconds, part of her too terrified to pop his shoulder back into place. She may want to be an EMT, but she never has done this before.

Molly took a deep breath before she grabbed onto Robby's shoulder with both of her hands. Robby's eyes widened when he realized Molly would need both hands to pop his shoulder back into place.

"What? I don't get to hold your hand?" He asked. Molly, who was looking at Robby's shoulder and not his face, thought he was joking. She laughed and looked up at the boy. Her smile fell and her laughs stopped immediately once she realized Robby was serious.

Molly gave the boy a sideways frowned and tilted her head. "I need both my hands." She muttered slowly. Robby frowned and took a deep breath to calm his nerves.

It probably wasn't the best idea, but Molly used Robby's deep breath as an opportunity to pop Robby's shoulder into place, hoping it would be like ripping off a bandaid and it would be unexpected.

Robby coughed at pain, trying his hardest not to scream especially since it took him by surprise. Molly smiled, proud that she did it. "There we go." Molly muttered. She wiped her hands and sighed. "You're gonna feel it for the next few weeks."

Robby moved his shoulder around and smiled at Mollys work. It still hurt, but not as bad. He looked up at Molly and his smile widened. He was just grateful he can keep fighting now. "Thanks, Doc. Appreciate it." Robby chuckled out. Molly laughed with him, nodding her head. When her laugh died down, she smiled at Robby. "No problem."

Someone clearing their throat from the doorway made Molly and Robby turn their heads and saw Daniel LaRusso in the doorway. Robby turned his head to Molly and cleared his throat, making Molly turn to him.

"I'll see you out there?" Robby asked. Molly, sensing that Robby wanted her to leave, quickly nodded her head. "Yeah." Molly said. She immediately stood up and started walking back into the main room. Molly was too nervous to look at Daniel as she walked by him, worried that he'd think they were doing something, but stopped after he passed him.

get him back || r. keene & e. moskowitzNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ