The Companion

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"Your majesty, a visitor has arrived and is seeking an audience," a guard announced.

"What is their title?" Gray asked, working at the desk he'd set at the throne. He had much work to catch up on and did not have time to entertain another Lord complaining of his tenants no longer tolerating the Lord's cruelty.

"He gave no title," the guard said.

"Then send him away," Gray responded, annoyed.

"I said you would send him away, but he insisted you'd want to see him, and I quote 'horribly regret it' if not, unquote."

"Was that a threat?" Gray said flatly.

"I don't believe so...?" the guard replied, looking confused.

Gray sighed and continued writing the new edict for the property owners. "Send him in." The large doors to the throne room creaked open and soft padded footsteps barely made a sound as they approached the heightened table. Nothing like the loud heel of a well-endowed noble. Gray reached for another dip of ink. "State your business, commoner."

"Admittedly, I was hoping for a friendlier welcome, my lord."

Gray's head snapped up and he quickly stood, recognizing the warm, light nature of the apprentice's voice.

"They--they did not say it was you."

Stephen shrugged. "I did not give them a name."

Gray felt his lips upturn. "Hello, Stephen."


He swept his things to the side. "Walk with me?"

"Of course. Whatever my lord would like."

Gray stepped out from behind the large desk and went to meet Stephen on the long red carpet. He noted Stephen's hands were rough and his clothes in rougher condition. Unlike others from the outskirts, he had not changed in coming to the capital. A first. They left the throne room and walked down the halls of the palace, two guards accompanying them from a distance.

"So you choose to arrive today, despite my many previous invitations," Gray said.

"I must place the blame on the people of Ealdor. They begged me not to go," Stephen laughed. "Pleaded and cried about what would become of them without their village warlock."

"They know?" Gray asked, astonished.

"It is somewhat of an open secret," Stephen admitted. "They caught on after the third troll I banished, I think." He paused as he realized Gray was leading them to the courtyard, where many more servants and noblemen were milling around, some bowing as they noticed the king and giving Stephen confused, if not outright suspicious looks. Gray did not seem to notice and continued on.

Stephen whispered into Gray's ear. "I'm well aware that many in Camelot still despise sorcerers. It may not be good that you be seen with me."

Gray regarded Stephen. "Yes, you do have a certain look about you." Then he shrugged. "However, I care not a rat's ass."

The guards following them choked a little and Stephen touched Gray on the shoulder. "Your majesty is very vulgar," he teased.

"I dare any of them to say anything of you to me," Gray said. "Magic is legal now. They will tolerate you."

Stephen did not respond. Gray regarded him once again and smiled ear to ear seeing that Stephen was giving him a look of the greatest fondness, tears suddenly shining in his eyes. He did not think the warlock could become so emotional. It was endearing.

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