The Reunion

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A few months later, Gray rewarded the council with a day off as he and his knights set off for Ealdor, the town where the bandits had attacked them.

"Forgive me for saying so, your majesty, but it seems foolish to go back to the home of your aggressors," Sir Park said.

"We are better prepared today," Gray replied.

"People will be startled to see their king in the commons," Sir Jin tried.

"Let them be startled," Gray said, resolved. He rode ahead of them, and they followed, having no other choice. In truth, he'd planned to see the physician's apprentice. He'd never gotten the proper chance to thank him, as his knights barged in during the night, apparently done with their excursions at the inn, and sweeping him away to the castle. Gray understood that the apprentice was a warlock, and by such, he should be banished, promise be damned. But Gray was not like his father. He stood by his word, and hence, the apprentice would be going nowhere.

They trotted past the rickety fences marking the town's entrance and were greeted by a small crowd of enthralled townsfolk happy to see their new king. It seemed news of their arrival was not a surprise after all. Gray smiled as his knights in their red capes and glittering armor soaked in the glory, but he quietly searched for Stephen in the crowd. He didn't quite know what to make of the warlock's social habits, but he certainly didn't seem the sort to attend an affair this public, seeing as he was nowhere to be found.

They were escorted to the inn, where decorations were put up in celebration of their arrival and a grand feast lay. The innkeeper and his family welcomed them personally, offering them seats at the head and clearing all else out of the dining hall.

"Perhaps coming here was a good idea after all," Sir Jin exclaimed, eyes going over the elaborate spread. "Brilliant as always, your majesty."

"Be quiet and eat your venison," Gray answered light-heartedly. The knights gladly complied.

It became clear to him that visiting Stephen would become a mission of its own. So with the discreet assistance of Sir Park, who was the only one who Gray had told of his discoveries about the apprentice, they left the inn that evening clothed in dark cloaks. They had the intention of staying in the woods overnight and visiting Stephen at the first crack of dawn before the other knights could wake from their inebriated stupor and realize their sovereign was missing. Sir Park was wary of what creatures they might encounter, given the stories of Stephen defeating the harpy. Gray wasn't certain he believed it, despite witnessing its precursor events himself. Still, he assured Sir Park that the two of them were more than capable of fending for themselves.

In the middle of the night, Sir Park shook him awake. "Wake up, my lord," Sir Park whispered. "It's a griffin."

Gray hastened upright and drew his sword, the sleep cleared from his eyes. He could hear its shriek in the distant forest. He'd never encountered a griffin before. It must've been borne by a wizard's magic, a vengeful sorcerer angered by the witch hunts. He'd read about griffins in the castle's library. As they were made of magic, they could only be killed by magic. The sorcerer had likely heard Gray and his entourage were coming to Ealdor, and conjured the beast. The night's warmth entered his cloak and filled his armor. Gray dripped sweat. He wondered how many people the griffin had killed in its short existence.

"Stay behind me," Sir Park said. "I will slay this creature."

"It cannot be killed by a mere sword," Gray said.

"It will be killed by this mere sword," Sir Park replied, bringing his massive blade forward and readying his stance. The griffin burst through the trees and stood on its rear legs, screaming into the night. Its whetting eagles' eyes saw them despite the cover of night, and it charged forward, wings breaking the high branches of the trees and razor-sharp claws cutting deep ravines into the ground.

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