7 - the worthy and her weakness

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"Witches and wizards, today you will be introduced to the basics of apparition." said McGonagall , standing at the very front of the great hall. It had been charmed so that the tables were removed, and it looked absolutely huge. "Do not expect to apparate today, as it takes months to learn how to do so."

"My sister got splinched on her arm three years ago. It's still there." Someone whispered from behind me. Well thanks. Now I don't want to do this.

McGonagall sent him a pointed look, somehow hearing him though he was in the back.

"To teach you, I have brought in the Ministry of Magic's apparition instructor. I expect you all will be on your best behavior and will not taint Mister Twycross's idea of Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs." She looked more to us then them. Alright, fair enough.

Fred and George, who had sadly been placed on opposite sides of the room due to their interruptions, sent faces to each other. I snickered quietly, sending George a funny look.

Our transfigurations teacher left the room, leaving us standing in anticipation. A tall, serious (Percy) looking man gave a glance at us, looking very unbothered.

"My name is Wilkie Twycross, as you know," his deep voice rumbled. "And it is a pleasure to meet you all."

He didn't look very happy. Infact, he looked almost emotionless.

"Now, let us begin. The first step to apparition is focusing on an object." I looked down at the hoop in front of me, somehow just noticing it. "I would like you all to walk around the hoop three times."

Is that how we apparate? Just walk around a hoop? Some others grumbled, complaining this was stupid.

I began to take a lap around the small hoop, listening to what Twycross was saying.

"Now close your eyes and imagine yourself appearing inside of the hoop. Try to remember the three D's. Destination, determination, and deliberation."

Okay. I closed my eyes and tried to picture myself popping up in the center of the hoop. It wasn't working, my imagination kept messing it up showing the hoop outside, or being extremely tiny. I felt like an idiot walking in a circle with my eyes shut. I know everyone else did too.

My eyes peaked open, adjusting to the evening sunlight pouring through the floor to ceiling windows. No one had managed to make it inside of the hoop. I side eyed Fred, George, Lee, and Angie, grinning a bit at them all walking around in a trance.

"This is a skill that requires extreme control over the mind, otherwise if gone wrong you will get splinched. However, this is all it is. You must imagine yourself where you are intended to go and let no thoughts surpass it." Twycross said as if it were simple. "We'll practice a few more times to see if anyone gets the hang of it."

After about twenty more minutes of useless walking and thinking, I began accepting that maybe apparition wasn't for me. I could stick with the good old broomstick.

Inside the hoop. I open my eyes and I am inside—

A loud popping noise hit my ears, and it felt like I was being compressed in a small box and dropped in the ocean. My stomach churned and my feet felt like plastic. Holy shit! Holy shit what's happening? Is this it?

My legs suddenly dropped and I collapsed to the ground, not in the hoop but a few inches closer then I was before. My head was spinning like I had twirled around for five minutes straight, and I felt bile rising up my throat. Oh no, not here, please.

The sound of me falling made everyone's eyes snap open, looking down at me from above. I shrunk under their curious gazes, my own snapping over to Fred's worried expression for comfort.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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