4 - the tournament

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As soon as we leave the train, Hagrid doesn't let us go inside the castle. The cold is blistering for once and I find myself inching closer to the twins for warmth. I see Fred from my side eye looking down at me, before he uses his hands to rub up and down my arms.

"This is taking ages." Lavender Brown complains, her teeth chattering like the rest of us. "Why're we staring at the sky?"

Then suddenly, I see it. We all do. "It's a plane!" Some Hufflepuff shouts.

"It looks like a Pegasus." I mutter, my interest peaking once more. The muggle world has trained me to believe they don't exist, so it was hard conditioning my mind that they do here.

I was right. I think? Four flying horses land down onto the ground, pulling a large fancy looking carriage.

"Well there's something you don't see everyday.." George shouts amongst the cheers.

A group of girls pile out of the carriage, all dressed in silk blue dresses and shivering. Those uniforms didn't look warm at all. And finally, a very large lady ducks out, letting Hagrid kiss her hand.

"Eugh." Fred gags, looking away. I swat his arm for being rude to Hagrid and his new lover. It was cute that he found his match.

Apparently I missed it, but there was now a large ship in the Black Lake that had submerged from underwater, with the large words DURMSTRANG written on it. Didn't Viktor Krum go there?

"It's Krum!" I distantly heard Ron's yells over everyone else's. "Krum's at our school! Quick, Hermione, give me your lipstick!" He was truly a fanboy at heart, it made me laugh.

I came back to earth when Fred threw his arm around my shoulder, leading us inside.


After piling ourselves with pork chops, potatoes, pie, and juice, the three of us sat content on the bench. Honestly, the welcome back feast is the thing I look forward to all summer.

Everyone was chattering and the little firsties got sorted, I felt like this was going to be a good year.

I felt his hot breath on my neck before I heard him. "That one, right there." Fred pointed discretely to a little blonde Hufflepuff boy, peering around his new school in wonder. Absolutely adorable.

"What about him?"

Fred threw me a lopsided grin, "well, love, remember how we're undergoing skiving snackboxes?"

I instantly sat up. "No, Fred. Do it on a second year or something. That poor little guy's too small."

He scoffed jokingly. "Don't tell me you're chickening out, Hearth." Couldn't he see that kid was clearly fragile? He looked like one spew would drain his guts.

"Fred." I furrowed my eyebrows, this time keeping my voice firm. I didn't want to sound like a bore, but come on. Use your common sense.

He threw his hands up. "Alright, alright. How aboutttt..." his voice dragged on, settling on a Gryffindor we knew all too well.

I could hardly respond on my opinion of testing products on Ron, when Dumbledore walked up to his podium.

"Now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement." The twins and I looked at each other in anticipation, we've been waiting for this since the end of summer. "This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well. You see Hogwarts has been choosen..."

There's a clinking noise coming from behind us. Filch sprints down the aisle towards dumbledore like his life depends on it and whispers something in his ears. We all can't help but laugh at it. He sprints back down the hall and leaves.

HER, fred weasley Where stories live. Discover now