"I dont get the guy."

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong?"he questioned sitting down."Nothing. I should go."I stood up but he grabbed my arm."You just got here?"I looked down at his hand with a frown.

"I was going to ask you to hang out tonight."I said angrily looking at Vicki."but I think you have plans."I tore my hand away and started walking towards the door.

"Well I can cancel them?"He questioned running up to me before I walked out ."No don't, have fun with Vicki."He looked at me confused before I walked out of the door.

Was I actually crying. The sob that flew out of my mouth told me I was. I could feel Jeremy's eyes on me through the glass. I ran around the building and took a deep breath.

This was stupid I was a badass vampire who was crying about a 15 years old how does that make any since.

Latter that night I stood in the middle of town next to the grill with Bonnie."So you like him?"she questioned looking over at me. I nodded with a sigh.

"But he's Elena's little brother how?"She questioned looking at me. I shrugged."There's a vibe about him Bonnie."I shut up when Elena walked up to us.

"Oh hey Elena..."I said looking anywhere but her."Um hey."She said holding a candle."I'm gonna go..."I trailed off. I walked away from her."what's that about?"Elena asked.

"She has a crush on your brother."Well shit maybe I shouldn't have told her about that. I sighed walking towards the grill maybe some bourbon will help me out.

I walked into the grill and I regretted it as soon as I did. Jeremy was still in here. I walked towards the bar."Hey wait."I closed my eyes tightly.

"What do you want?"I questioned folding my arms."What did I do to you?"He questioned looking me up and down."why are you so mad!"I rubbed my eyes.

"I just meet you."I told him looking down."But I like you and I don't even know why. But what I do knew is Vicki's going to always be in the picture so..."He looked over at Vicki.

He licked his lips in thought. He didn't say anything. I nodded and I walked away from him and towards the bar."Well hang on."He said running up behind me.

"Can we be friends."I looked over at Vicki."I don't think I can do that Jeremy."He frowned shaking his head."You're really easy to talk to....i told you things not even Vicki knows."

I shrugged looking down."Maybe you should talk to her then."I tried to walk away but yet again he stopped me."Please..."I looked at him confused."Why do you care?"I asked he shook his head.

"I don't know, but I feel better with you."I waved him off."Oh come on we just meet!"I yelled angrily. I took a deep breath trying to control myself.

"Please can we at least be friends. I need someone who understands."I don't think I could. I didn't realize how much I liked him."Seeing you with Vicki hurts."

He looked at me trying to figure out what he could say to change my mind."If you really need someone to talk to sure."He looked down with a frown.

"But if it's just drama I don't want to hear it."I walked towards the door I needed to get away from the smell of his blood I couldn't handle it anymore.

"Hey!"I stopped when he shouted at me. I turned towards him with confusion."I like you too...and Vicki....I just need time to think to-"I scoffed shaking my head.

"Decided who's more important. I'm sorry, No, I'm not going to be anyone's second choice."I walked out of the Grill. I wasn't going to watch the comet not tonight.

I would be here for the next one anyway. I used my speed to get home. Tears were in my eyes when I slammed my door open.

I should have know this was pointless. I may have been on earth for a long time but I was still just a girl with emotions. I quickly walked over to my cooler.

I took out a blood bag and sipped it down."It's not enough!"I yelled grabbing another one. I sobbed sipping down the next one.

My phone ding and I picked it up.

Jeremy-I'm sorry Tavia I really am Vicki's been there for me. I just meet you. I need time please don't go away.

Did he just call be Tavia? Why does he do that. How does someone I just meet make me want to chug down All my blood bags. I grabbed my phone and dialed one person I know who could help.

I put the phone to my ear."Hey girl what's up."I sniffed looking down."Lexi..."Tears were in my eyes."What wrong O?"I shook my head tears in my eyes.

"I have a crush on a guy I just meet days ago..."She gasped I sobbed."He's involved with another girl Lexi but I feel so different around him."I cried throwing my head back.

"Babe, Does he know you like him?"I nodded my head but realized she couldn't see me."Yes...he said he liked me to but he also likes Vicki and He said he needed time. But I can't be anyone's second choice."

She shushed me trying to make me feel better."and the thought of it makes me want to drink every blood bag I have in the house."

I closed my eyes tightly taking out another blood bag."He's a druggie Lex I don't know what to do."I sipped down the blood bag as fast as I could.

"O you probably love him. When my boyfriend. Didn't speak to me for a week after I told him what I was I was a reck."this wasn't the same Jeremy didn't know what I am.

"He likes you O just think about that for a minute give him time if he chooses you. That means you will be the one he chooses and not this other girl."

"What's going on?"Stefan question walking into my room. He looked at the floor and seen the three blood bags on the floor."hand the phone to Stefan."

I held up the phone to him."It's Lexi...."He took it and put it up to his ear. I didn't listen to what she had to say

instead I grabbed another blood bag. Tears were pouring out of my eyes as I sipped it down."okay I love you Lexi."He then hung up the phone and crouched down next to me.

"You're lucky."I said looking over at him."you get the girl."He sighed and pulled me into a hug."shh he'll come around."I shook my head no in his chest.

"I'm always second choice...."I cryed the rest of the night i spent in my bed Stefan left earlier to open the door. It was Elena. I heard them kissing. I'm really happy for him but I was jealous.

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