Hell is a Place on Earth

Start from the beginning

"What?" Colin sputtered.

"Has the traveling Bridgerton finally chosen to settle down?" Another man chimed in. Really, Colin was only twenty-three, so there was no rush, but she knew these men were just trying to get a rise out of him.

"With Penelope?" Colin asked with a scoff that stabbed her right in the chest and caused her to reel back. "Are you kidding? No chance in hell, Fife," he spat. The group descended into raucous laughter, further adding to her humiliation. But it was Colin's that echoed in her ears and shattered every last shred of love and hope she ever held for him.

It wasn't something she wanted to hear, and it hurt. She sequestered herself in her bedroom for days after, crying until she ran out of tears. But after the millionth panicky voicemail she received, Penelope answered Colin with a short text reply. "It's fine. I forgive you." She finally realized then that she needed to hear those words. Now, she could finally get over Colin Bridgerton.


Two weeks after the incident, with some pestering from Eloise, who had managed to pry the full story out of her, Penelope reluctantly forced herself to attend the Bridgerton House for Sunday brunch. Unfortunately, that also meant she would see Colin. If luck was on her side, the rest of his family would interfere before she actually had to talk to him. She forgave him, sure, but that didn't mean she was ready to see him, or talk to him, or be around him, or even think about him yet.

Eloise picked Penelope up around ten and walked with her across the street, chattering on about the latest women's rights protest she attended in an attempt to distract her. Penelope smiled gratefully at her friend who paused at the door before going in. "Are you gonna be okay, Pen?" Eloise asked carefully, in a tone far too soft for her normally loud, unreserved voice. Penelope nodded, allowing her friend to push open the door and usher her in. It was all of three seconds before she was bombarded with an army of Bridgertons, Colin pushing his way to the front. 

"Pen, please can we talk? You had me so worried," Colin rushed out in a panic, and she felt slightly bad for him. But only for a second.

"Colin, leave the poor girl alone. Penelope, dear, please come in. I haven't seen you since the party. How have you been?" Penelope smiled genuinely at the Bridgerton's mother, who always made her feel so welcome and loved. 

"Just fine, Violet. I apologize for leaving in such a rush. It was a lovely event." Violet smiled warmly in return, ushering her into the dining room. Penelope silently thanked her for the excuse to leave, willing herself not to look back at the sullen looking Colin still standing in the doorway.

The rest of the meal went by somewhat smoothly. Each of the other seven siblings and their partners managed to distract Penelope with their own questions and topics of conversation. Daphne's growing brood bounced about the room, begging for attention from their Auntie Pen. She so loved times like these. It was a shame she couldn't completely enjoy them anymore. Once everyone cleared their plates, Penelope thanked the Bridgertons for hosting her, hugged Eloise and the children goodbye, and made her excuse to leave.

Of course, her luck could only last so long, and the Bridgertons it seemed could only hold Colin back for the same amount of time, because as she opened the front door to leave, she found herself facing his broad, chiseled chest. She rolled her eyes, trying not to breathe in his delicious scent. 

"Colin," she said impatiently, not looking up. "Move."

"Not until you talk to me," he said stubbornly. You know that song about heaven is a place on earth? Well, Penelope wished someone would point her in that direction because right now, she was in hell.

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