As Kylo holds me, she moves to my back, pulling back the ribbon corset. Tears fall down as the pain pulses my body.

This is why I never wanted to see them again. It's cruel how Kylo's gift allows me to feel pain even if I am paralyzed.

Estella's memories were filled with excruciating moments such as these. She learned from the evil and became the evil. But she was never the greatest, no matter what anyone else said. Her father is far worse.

"Oh, don't cry. You're the queen now, you have so much power." Kylo mocks as Zandrina continues to burn marks in my skin.

From what I could see, she wrote words on my front.

'Silver witch'



Hateful, hateful things.

This went on for a long while that I forgot to even think. The only thing I could think of was the pain.

Kylo then drops me on the floor, his paralysis still not worn off.

"We've done enough, now you better remember your role," Zandrina says.

Kylo kicks me in the stomach. "Don't get all high and mighty now that you are queen. We'll be expecting you to listen or we can repeat this again." He says his last words before they leave me in the dark room.

The only light was the moon that streamed onto the sofas.

My feet began to twitch, my body slowly started coming back to life. My tears fell, but my pain didn't stop.

What does the goddess of this world want from me? She tortures me in such a way.

You would think that I'm the main character with all the drama that surrounds me.

I don't think I'll be able to return to the party. Even if I can move, I can't get up. I continue to stay there on my side, curled in a ball.

I'll have to find some way of getting back to the palace without anyone seeing me.

My dress was slightly tattered, I looked like a broken angel.

After some time, I managed to lift myself up. In the lounge, I found a blanket that I wrapped around myself. Carefully, I walk down the hall towards the exit. I can't afford to see anyone right now.

Walking to the carriages I look for mine, but I can't find it.

"Do you need a ride, miss?" A young man asks, standing near a carriage.

"No, I'm alright. Thank you for your offer." I pull the blanket further on my head to avoid him seeing my face.

"It's dangerous for a woman to go home alone like this. Please, I insist." The man pressures me.

It's not like I'll see him again. If he doesn't see my hair and eyes I'll be fine. And plus he looks like a nobleman so he won't kidnap me.

"Okay," I relented.

He gently helps me into his carriage. I sit opposite him.

"May I ask what your destination is?" His platinum blonde hair whisks in his face.

"The—" I pause. I can't say the palace, he will get suspicious. But what choice do I have.

"The Moon Palace, I'm a maid there." I made an excuse.

His blue-green eyes inspect me. "Are you by any chance hiding from someone?" He says as the carriage begins to move.

"I have quite the hideous face, sir." I keep my head down.

"I won't believe it until I see it." He chuckles trying to make the air lighter.

"Then I guess you'll have to not believe." I muster a smile.

"Fine, but at least give me your name, it can be a nickname."

A nickname? Something that isn't obvious is that I'm the queen.

"You can call me Esty," I say.

"Esty? I like it." He pauses taking in the name. "Cae, I go by Cae."

"It's nice to meet you, Cae." I test out his name. "Thank you for taking me, I really appreciate it."

"It's not a problem, I'm not one to leave a woman freezing in the cold." His eyes never stopped watching me, trying to discover who I really am.

The carriage soon came to a halt, reaching the gate of the palace.

"Thank you again. Have a wonderful night." I wish the stranger I just met a goodbye.

"I hope to see you again, Esty." He waves before he leaves.

It was quite a walk past the gates, the guards noticed that I was the queen so they let me in. Though they were confused, I told them to keep it a secret. I avoided any other eyes as I reached my room.

"I need a bath." I huffed sitting on my bed.

I ring the service rope and the maids come rushing in.

"Your Majesty, you're back already?" Lina gives me an odd look at the sight of me.

"Yes, though I didn't tell the King or the prince that I was leaving. Do you think you can send a letter to them?"

She nods.

"Oh and please prepare me a bath, I am exhausted."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

They quickly started the bath which was ready in a few minutes.

"Everyone but Lina may leave." I order as I enter the bathing room. They are skeptical but eventually do as they are told.

"Wouldn't it be better if all the maids help, Your Majesty?" Lina questions.

"No, I need only you for this."

I remove the blanket, exposing my tattered dress and wounds.

Lina lets out a small shriek. "Your Majesty! How—how can this be?" Her eyes scour my body, taking in all the damage.

"You must tell no one about this, especially the King." I sternly said.

"But Your Majesty, who would do such a thing?" Tears ran down her face.

"That is not important, just promise to keep this a secret."

"But Your Majesty..." She pleads.

She doesn't stop crying as she helps me into the bath.


"Yes?" She croaks.

"What does my back say?"

"I can't, Your Majesty." She denies telling me.

It must be bad.

"Tell me," I order.

"It says—It says—cursed unloved queen." She spits out the words, a new rush of tears accompanies it.

Cursed, huh? I let out a scoff.

It sounds about right. A family full of cursed royals.

What a truly painful day. And this was the day I meant to prove myself to the King. To show him that I can take responsibility for my duties, that I mean no harm to him.

It was all for not.

The Inured Villainess Where stories live. Discover now