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This was requested by kaykay189


Bakugou:17 yrs old

M/n: 18yrs old


May be cringe

Modern AU

M/n pov:

It was almost the time of year where we were gonna graduate highschool. Me and katsuki got closer and I basically consider him my best friend. I know he feels the same way deep down even if tries to deny it.

There was an issue though. He had this big problem with izuku. It doesn't really matter because, I mean they were like 5 and izuku already forgave him. If anything it was one sided beef.

I was gonna go out with izuku today, just to hang out because it's been a while since it was just me and him. We had got released from school recently and I was on FaceTime with katsuki.

"Where the hell are you going" he said putting his face in the camera

"Who said I was going somewhere".

3rd POV

It was very clear that you were going somewhere. You had the camera at an angle where it showed you walking in your closet. Before he could say something you took off your shirt throwing it somewhere in your room. You picked out a shirt and pants and started walking towards the camera.

He never really noticed how nice of a body you have until now. Your phone was on your dresser where your chains were. You were trying to decide which one to put on. Now your abs were basically touching the camera.

You back up so you could see him and the camera so you could ask his opinion. You noticed him starring hard immediately, so you know what you had to do.

" Oh do you like what you see, if you be a good boy I'll show you more~~" you laughed afterwards and continued the conversation like nothing happened. Of course he yelled at you telling you how much of an idiot you are to think that. Your since of humor was flirting with him which you found harmless. You both don't have feeling for each other so it's fine. 

"You still never told me where your going dumbass"

"Oh I'm going out with izuku" you said tying your shoe laces. The camera was now facing the ceiling so you couldn't see his reaction.

" Are you gonna miss me~"

"Fuck no! You can go be with the stupid nerd." Even though you know he didn't like him it still shocked you a bit. It sounded a like a little bit of jealousy.

"Oh so your jealous now or somethin" you said with a little sharp tone. You didn't get a response back but you already expected this.

" Haven't you hung out with him everyday of this week"

"Okay, see now your dragging it," you said as you went to grab your phone off the dresser. You believed it hadn't been a while but you have literally been with him all week. It's just been with other people but katsuki could care less about them.

The camera was on your face and now he could see your glowing dark skin. You was about to say something flirty but izuku called.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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