Chapter 2. Taking Back The Stepstones

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Daemon was sitting inside his tent, his heart heavy. It had been more than two years since they started the war on the Stepstones, and they were losing. They started having problems with provisions, and it was obvious that the soldiers were getting tired and restless, but they couldn't give up now! There had to be something he could do. Something to trick the Crabfeeder and his people, force them to leave their caves so he could burn them all down.

Daemon was so deep in his thoughts, that he didn't notice the noise outside, right until a soldier ran into his tent. 'There is a- a- a dragon!' was the only thing the man managed to explain.

'Of course, there is a dragon. There are two, actually. What are you, new?' Daemon frowned, rising to his feet.

'No, no, there is a new one! It is advancing on us!' the man articulated, pointing at the sky.

Daemon immediately pushed past him, exiting his tent. There was indeed a dragon flying towards them, they had a few minutes max to prepare in case of an attack. That would be a sensible thing to do, but then Daemon recognized the dragon.


What was she doing here? She was riderless for the last 15 years! Did someone have the audacity to claim her?! Who would be bold enough to do that? It was no secret that Silverwing was extremely loyal to the late Queen and ignored (read slightly burned) all the opportunists who tried to claim her.

'Do not shoot!' he commanded the soldiers just as Corlys approached him.

'Do you know who that is?' Corlys asked.

'Not the faintest idea.'

When Silverwing landed (without burning anyone, which was a good sign), Daemon had soldiers and Caraxes on standby, ready to fight off the intruder if need be. Caraxes seemed to be eager in a weird way, which threw Daemon's confidence off balance a little, but he ignored it for now.

Silverwing dramatically stretched her wings before folding them, and only then could they see the dragon rider. The young woman slid off the dragon's back, and Daemon's eyes widened with recognition.

No. Fucking. Way.

'I'm here to see Daemon Targaryen,' Diane declared loudly, looking unbothered by the weapons that were pointed at her. 'My dragon will play nice as long as you all play nice too, so do not do anything rash. She might retaliate out of spite.'

'Who do you think you are?' Vaemond Velaryon exclaimed. 'Coming here and threatening us! You should be-'

'Lower your weapons!' Daemon commanded and sighed, moving closer to the guest. 'I know her,' he added, hoping it would be enough for now, and he would be able to speak to Diane before Velaryons jumped on him with all sorts of questions he had no answers to. At least, not yet.

She smiled at him when he approached, which was not unusual for her. She was always happy to see him, but something in her eyes... they were different. They weren't the same as the eyes of a 14-year-old girl that he had seen before he went to war. 'This war is going on for too long, don't you think, father?' she asked when he was close enough so only he would be able to hear her.

'I hope - for your own good - that you didn't steal a dragon and fly all the way here just to reprimand me for it,' Daemon warned in his best fatherly tone which only made Diane's smile wider. Apparently, disrespect for authority was an inherited thing, Gods damn him.

'I didn't steal her. She is mine . I stole a saddle though,' the woman answered, and Silverwing gave a roar in agreement. 'We need to talk. In private. That's important,' Diane then added, her voice serious, and Daemon knew that something must have happened.

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