Chapter 1

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"We're going where!?" I yelled at my mom.

"Australia Julie, I honestly think it's the best thing for us right now."

"How long do I have?"

" We're leaving in two days."

That was the last thing my mom had said to me before she exited my room. I was speechless. I didn't understand. We were moving to Australia in two days. How can I tell my friends goodbye and pack and be ready to change my WHOLE life in just two days?! And why didn't my mom tell me this ahead of time? I had to stop thinking or I would go insane, so I decided to call my best friend Hayley and tell her to come over, but as soon as I picked up my phone to call her I heard a knock on my bedroom door. When I went and opened it, I was surprised to Hayley standing there looking at me with tears in her eyes. To try and prevent her from seeing me cry, I engulfed her into the biggest hug ever and even though I was trying to hide them the tears came flooding out anyways.

"How'd you find out?"

"Your mom called."

After our hug I pulled her in my room and we stayed up for the rest of the night talking about our best memories and promising to be friends forever no matter what. I woke up the next morning to the fresh smell of bacon and pancakes downstairs. I honestly don't even remember falling asleep last night. I didn't see Hayley when I got up so I just assumed she had already beat me to breakfast. When I walked downstairs, I gave my mom a mean glare and took my plate sitting across from Hayley. I know I shouldn't be mad at my mom for moving because she had gotten an amazing job promotion there and I'm happy for her I truly am but why does it have to be in another country practically across the world? How did she expect me to give up everything that made me happy just for a little bit of money? I didn't talk to her for the rest of the last two days I had in America. I just hung out with Hayley and packed. I was going to miss Hayley. We had known each other since we were in kindergarten and she had always been there for me whether it be when I was nervous for graduating middle school or when she saw my first cut. She was always there, but now what am I going to do when she's not?
Hey guys I know this probably isn't the best right now, but if you guys have any pointers or tips that might help me out, please comment them below thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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