"No sir, sorry" Angel says, feeling like she should cover for the woman.

"Well if you see her, she is a fugitive of the US, French and Russian government." The tall man explains. Angel looks at him for a moment taking in his sharp blue eyes and scary eyebrow expression,

"What's her name?" Angel asks curiously.

"They call her Natalia Romanova, she's a rogue Russian assassin" The man explains further. "And you miss are lying, you need to come with me" Busted, Angel finds herself reasoning. She follows the man to a black car. She silently got into the car and watches as he looks outside the car.

"Sorry about that, I'm Clint Barton and I need your help" The newly introduced man tells her.

"Angel La Riene, why do you need my help exactly?" She confusingly asks.

"Because this is a mission I can't do by myself" Clint expresses, Angel looks at him as though he were insane.

"I am the least 'qualified' person you could ever choose." Angel yells.

"Exactly" Clint says and hands Angel a blue tooth ear piece and a knife. Angel looks at him, completing her previous thought that he was in fact insane. Then the car they were in was hit by a huge force. Clint has a horrified look on his face. Angel no longer felt secure with this man. Angel looks out the window and sees Natalia with a huge gun. Clint looks out the window as well, taking notice of Natalia. Although their car was upside down Clint busts open the door. Was this a part of his mission that he couldn't do alone? Angel couldn't decide if she wanted to follow him or not, but in the end she found herself looking over the seat and out the back window. What Angel saw was certainly new, she saw Clint approaching Natalia and from the look of it he wanted to shoot her. Angel was nervous for both Clint and Natalia when she tended to act on emotions, things never turned out well. She forces herself through the door Clint had busted open earlier and pushed herself through the now formed crowd.

"Clint!" She yells, she runs to his side and takes his gun.

"I don't even know what your mission is, but I can't let you do this." She tells him and looks down at Natalia who, although she has the look of a fearless assassin she seems pretty scared. Her hard green eyes softened for half a moment.

"I don't know either of you or this world you're apart of but I know that this seems a little outlandish" Angel felt the adrenaline course through her body, a feeling of accomplishment washed across her face.

"If we are to be going, I find it best to go now" Natalia says as she looks behind her, Angel soon takes notice of the pack of men is suits going down the steps of the museum.

"Let's go, NOW" Clint says as he too had noticed the men. The tree of them run down the streets and Natalia pulls a small sphere out of her blazer.

"What's that do?" Angel asks taking quick glances over at Natalia.

"Something so they don't follow us anymore" She tells Angel as she throws the device behind her. You could hear her counting down in a language Angel didn't understand. She stopped as she heard a loud popping noise. Clint and Natalia soon take notice as they stop as well.

"Angel you must run, NOW" Natalia yells, urgency filling her voice.

"But I heard something" Angel tells the two, Natalia has a fearful expression on her pale face.

"You don't understand, you must run" Natalia tells Angel just as the beeping starts. Realization washes across Angel's face as she realizes that the sphere was a bomb. She started to race towards her two friends, but found herself too late. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. She was blown to the ground and a sharp pain ran up her leg and she screams. She could hear plenty of other screams as she looks at herself. There was a long metal rod though her leg, tears start to run down her face. The pain soon became so unbearable and her vision starts to darken and she loses sight of the destruction in Budapest.

Natalia drags Angels limp body from the destruction as the dust settles from the explosion. Clint stares at Natalia, jumping up and down impatiently.

"Natalia we have to go" He exclaims and Natalia drops Angel's arm to the ground and runs to an alley with Clint. The two watch from the dark alley as a group of men in suits pick up Angel and take her back through the rubble that is now Budapest. "She'll figure it out" Clint says as he pulls Natalia towards a ladder and the two climb up and disappear into the sky.

Angel, while in unconscious had been taken into a secret prison in France to be questioned. What the FUG, French Underground Government, was not expecting for her not to remember anything.Angel's sea green eyes blink open and a French interrogator finds himself being pushed into the room.

"Hello Ms. La Riene" He says and walks around in front of Angel who has at this point a very confused expression plastered on her face.

"Who are you and where am I?" Angel asks, looking down at herself and taking notice of two things her long blonde hair that is no longer long and she has one and a half legs.

"What happened" Angel demands. The French man looks scared and bewildered.

"Tell me about Budapest Ms. La Riene"


That is my short story about what happened in Budapest. Its not really a Clintasha story but what ever. I think its good.

XXX Sammie

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