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Never before this moment has Angel ever felt this professional. She had been taken in by a French secret government a few days before. She couldn't remember where from but she woke up moments ago in a cell-like room.

"Tell me about Budapest Ms. La Riene." An interrogator says as he sits down, his French accent obvious and thick.

"I can't." Angel La Riene spoke with courage.

"And why not?" the French man asks standing up and slowly walked behind Angel, feet dragging speed.

"Because I do not remember." She tells the strange man with greasy hair.

"Why not?" The man stands behind her scaring her slightly but Angel refuses to show this.

"An incident perhaps." She spoke slowly, choosing her words carefully.

"Do you have any idea what happened?" He asks. Angel felt his warm breath on her neck.

"Not a clue"

"Ms. La Riene, I'd rather not be here all day" He sighs and steps away from Angel, a feeling of relief flowing through her body.

"Then leave" Angel answers simply yet smoothly.

"I'm afraid you don't quite understand" She could hear the anger building up in his voice.

"Enlighten me then" She says, confidence filling her voice. The nameless French interrogator slapped Angel. Her long hair went wild as the force of the slap caused her head to involuntarily follow the force to the side.

"Stop stalling" He seethes and winds up again.

"Who said I was stalling?" She asks in a slightly confusing manner. Another slap to the face.

"Ms. La Riene, tell me how we found you in Budapest in a blown up area" He yells, his voice barely understandable that being a result of the accent and anger.

"Like I said don't remember anything" Angel tells the man, a pleading look finding a home in her sea blue eyes. The government agent soon gives up and finds himself delivering a final bash to the head. As he leaves Angel slowly falls unconscious.

Angel adored traveling around the world and visiting museums, so when she had the chance to visit a museum in Budapest that was a chance she definitely couldn't pass up. Angel strolls through the hotel lobby seeing multiple different advertisements. She walks over to the ticket desk and slides the payment across the desk. The woman hands Angel her ticket and wishes her a wonderful visit. Angel made a bee-line for the art section after seeing a sign on the ticket lady's desk promoting a special vase. Angel finds the promoted vase only to find that there is nothing really special about it. A woman with wild red hair walks up beside her. Angel finds herself studying the woman, noticing her professional style, her ruler straight posture and the both cold and frightening look in her seemingly dead green eyes.

"What" the woman asks bitterly once she notices Angel's look, a strong Russian accent obvious as she spoke. Deep down Angel knew this woman was deadly.

"Nothing, nothing" Angel says and returns her look to the now boring vase. Moments later losing interest and leaving the museum completely. As Angel walks down the steps as a man starts to walk beside her. Angel, feeling odd looks up at the man to see him towering in height. Once the man notices she's stopped walking, he too slows to a stop.

"Ms.?" He starts, Angel looks at wanting him to continue. He pulls a photo out of his suit pocket. "Have you seen this woman?" He asks showing her the picture. Angel looks at the picture, immediately recognizing the woman, the bitter woman by the vase. Angel takes a glance behind her, noticing the bitter redhead by the museum doors.

Budapest (Clintasha Somewhat)Where stories live. Discover now