//It still hurts from that night//

'ergh' i accidentally let out a soft  groan. Although it was soft, grandma heard it.

"Y/n, what is it? Are you sick?"

Grandma was worried again, but i quickly told her "no no. I must have slept funny or something. It's nothing, don't worry."

Dan understood what caused my pain and told granny.

"Grandma, we've gotta get going to work. We'll come by again tomorrow!
Ma'am, please take good care of her for m-"

Before Dan could finish talking granny cut him off. (Like a badass)

"Oh, of course she will. You both better get going.
Take good care of yourselves!" She said, before we left the room.

||Today's the first day we'll be working at Jaekyung's gym.


||At the Team Black gym building...

Y/n's POV

We reached the same place that we stood at, when we first got called for the job.

Dan opens the door, looking pretty nervous.

It was very busy inside, everyone was moving around, talking or doing their chores.

But out of everyone, one person stood out the most. The one that always catches my eyes. Joo Jaekyung.

He was sitting on a platform wrapping his hands. He is most likely about to start his training.

//I guess we're going to see him everyday now.

He's not gonna want to do it everyday... right?//

"Hey docs!"

I look to Dan's right and saw the coach smiling at us.

Dan answers him with a simple "ah, hello"

And i stood beside him and bowed slightly at the coach as a greeting.

"You're right on time! Come, come, right this way..."

I could see that we have already piqued people's interests.
Even Mr Joo noticed us.

The coach led us to the middle of the room to introduce us.

"Alright guys, look alive!
These two right here, are doctors Dan and Y/n.

They're joining us today as Jaekyung's personal physical therapists." The coach introduced us when everyone crowded around us.

"Ah, hello. Nice to meet you all, my name is kim Dan."

"Hi, i am L/n Y/n, nice to meet you."

"NICE TO MEET YOU!" The gym members all shouted together.

"They're a lot smaller and younger than i expected!
Are we sure they can handle being your physical therapist?"

"They're totally a different weight class. And a tiny girl?
Definitely won't be easy." Some guy said.

"We want physical therapy too! Help us too, Doc's!!" Another shouted.

"What you mouths, punks. Doc Dan is your hyung."

"WHAAAAT? HE'S OLDER THAN US?" Even Jaekyung was shocked.

"But he looks so young! How old are you, Doc?"

Dan was sweating, coach put his arm around him and he revealed his age to them "i-i'm twenty- nine." He said shyly.

"You hear that? Now be sure to show him some respect! Got it?!"


Some people were murmuring here and there.
Jaekyung looked perplexed, but i didn't look for long, as someone walked up to me.

I looked up at him as if I'm saying "yes?"

"Hi, my name's Oh Daehyun.
You're Ms Y/n right?"

"Yes." I answered shortly.

"What's your age? Is it the same as Doc Dan?" He seemed genuine and nice, so i answered.

"I'm 24" i told him with a smile.

"Oh! That's younger than most of us! Most being all of us except potato! Haha."


The bell cut me off.

"Alright, back to it!" Coach shouted.

"That's my cue to leave, see you around Ms Y/n!" And with that, he left to go back to training.


Another chapter for u ╰⁠(⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠´⁠꒳⁠'⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠)⁠╯
I'll try to write whenever I'm free but since writing one chapter takes me 5+ hours, i need some time to finish and upload.

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