Chapter 6: Redemption

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Ibuki returned home to find his mother back. He hugged her and asked how she felt. She nodded to let him know she was doing well. That night, Ibuki slept peacefully, embedded in dreams that extended beyond his conscious into his subconscious desires for freedom, joy, love, and success. After the events of the day, he felt more confident in himself. He felt all he needed to fulfil his dreams was to work hard and never stop believing. However, the one thing he always failed at was his never-ending escape attempts from the cages of his harrowing memories of his father's death. These memories were like mountains surrounding Ibuki's heart, letting none in and letting none out. They were heights that could not be scaled, heights that seemed endless, stretching outwith the skies.

And so, a dull morning arrived. With the morning arrived a day that Ibuki detested. Of all the days in the year and, more specifically, all the days of June, this very day was the most forgettable day for Ibuki. It had been so since his father passed away, leaving him with shattered dreams he could never fix again. Ibuki had struggled to turn this day into one of many days that would pass, coming and leaving in the blink of an eye. But he kept failing, for this was one day that stretched beyond infinity, reminding him of his harsh memories again and again. What if he could stop his father from taking his life? What would be different? Maybe the anxiety and stress of his father would pass on to Ibuki. But then the same happened even after he ended his life. Ibuki considered what had happened to be for the overall good. Yet, he could not control his feelings of despair and frustration, sinking into an immense wave of anxiety and anger.

Despite the day being as it had been for years, it still felt different. Ibuki woke up without realising what day it was. He blissfully went to have breakfast until his eyes fell upon the torn calendar hanging from the wall. All his joy faded that moment, and he directed himself out of the house. He went to the tiny shop Rui had taken him to yesterday. He took a seat and clasped his hands on the table. Thought overtook him, and he got up and left after a while.

Misao was alien to Ibuki's conditions on the day and went to meet him at his house. However, she had to return when she found he wasn't there. She strolled in the park when she saw Joon-Woo. She waved at him, and he waved back. Joon-Woo approached her and bowed, "Thank You!"

Misao smiled, "Ah, enough with acknowledgements. We are friends."

Joon-Woo rose back upright and spoke, "Lovely day to be out."

Misao nodded in agreement.

"The play turned out great."


The two strolled about the park chatting about school when a black car pulled near them. A man, blonde-haired, formally dressed, stepped out of it and walked up to Misao.

"Miss Park Misao?" he asked.

Misao nodded sceptically, "And you are?"

"I am Ko Chang from Cheongug Pharmaceuticals. Mr Choi wants you to hand this letter to your father, Mr Park Heechul. We intended to do it ourselves; however, we had to be present somewhere urgently and stumbled upon you. Would you hand it over to him?"

Misao agreed and took the letter from Chang. Citing the importance of the letter to Joon-Woo, she bid him goodbye and immediately left for her house. When she arrived, she was met with a familiar laugh. She went in and found Ibuki sitting next to Rui. She smiled, "What are you doing here?"

Ibuki got up and replied, "Came to meet you. You weren't here, so I sat with Rui-shi."

"Ah, drop the honorifics. You can call me Rui," Rui claimed.

Misao giggled and then realised she had to give the letter to her father.

"Hey, brother, where is Father?" she asked.

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