The Story of the Jute Plant

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I wrote this for my Literary Club, hope y'all think it's decent...

Once upon a time, a daughter was born to the King and Queen of a kingdom. She was blessed with luscious red locks of hair and twinkling chocolate eyes. She was named Lily for her pale skin. She shared the likeness of both her parents, sharing her mother's eyes and father's hair. Their family was clear royalty, with their silk capes, embroidered tunics and intricate jewelry.

However, Lily was only a child when she discovered her family's true nature. Her father always sparked wars with the neighboring kingdoms and neglected his kingdom's safety. He regularly held public executions and whippings of the dwellers–be it traders or their own people–who dared doubted the royal hierarchy. Her mother only stood by, enjoying her luxurious castles and lavish treatment, rambling. The Kingdom hated their King, but dared not share their opinion in fear of death by rope.

Poor Lily was a damsel in distress. Her gentle nature was shadowed by her royalty. People whispered rumors of her kindness being a sham but were proven wrong whenever they met her. She was a ray of light for her kingdom, albeit young and ingenuous.

When she turned of age to inherit the throne, she plotted an escape from her hierarchy. She loved her parents, but pitied her troubled patrons greatly. Therefore, she escaped the castle walls as dusk began.

A couple of days later, she met an old woman along the way. The lady looked rather scruffy and was dressed in a sackcloth. Lily decided to trust the poor old lady. She'd learned very well how appearances are not always what they seem. The lady gave Lily food, clothing and a cottage to reside in.

Days later, a search is made for the princess of the King. The King's army searches the woods far and wide for traces of the girl. Alarmed, Lily pleads with the old lady for help. The old lady nodded understandably and took out a bottle from the cabinet. She drank the mysterious solution with a gulp.

Immediately, the lady started to shrivel and deflate in size until she was no longer taller than the girl. The lady had transformed into a plant! It possessed all the features the lady had; its brown fiber similar to the sackcloth the lady wore, the yellow flowers similar to her wrinkled skin. When the army arrived, Lily dressed up in the old woman's clothing and smeared coal ashes on her face to resemble a peasant girl. The King's army tried finding the princess's likeliness in the peasant girl and searched the cottage for Lily's previous belongings, but to no avail. The army, disheartened with the unfruitful results of their search, made their way back to the Kingdom.

Lily tended to the plant for a few more days. Then the news arrived that the King had passed away due to the stress of his lost beloved daughter. By now, Lily had gained more wisdom and intelligence with her experience in the woods. She learned to nurture and never to judge a person by their looks, but by their actions and their heart. With a heavy heart, Lily returned to her Kingdom, taking her rightful position at the throne and allowing her Kingdom a life without misery.

And the plant? The plant multiplied, spreading its roots around the cottage and creating a field. It was harvested for its cloth, and is well-known around the world for its coarse, long fiber. You all may know it as the 'Jute Plant', but I know better.

Quite short cuz I had to fit this in ONE A4 size DAMN, had to delete half of what I'd written to finish the plot :(

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