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First Arc
Chapter Seven


【Days Before the Mission】

"Hey, Yuri.. I heard you went on a meeting with the higher-ups.." Gojo called out, attempting to mask the disappointment he felt.

Sayuri was always someone who kept her word and he was hurt that she didn't for him. It felt immature, he knew but he definitely wasn't the most mature person.

"Hmm-mmm.." Sayuri hummed in response to his words, looking at him softly. "It went well. I apologize for not being present to see your students, Toru. The meeting took way too long than expected.."

He smiled back, a tad bit calmer than before but still filled with disappointment nonetheless. He always felt like she was toying with him, pulling at his heart strings as if it were nothing.

"I was a bit disappointed that you didn't even visit me after the meeting, Yuri.."

He said those words with a smile, although she could see the disappointment in his blindfolded eyes. His smile didn't reach his eyes this time.

Sayuri cupped his cheek, her thumb rubbing them gently as an attempt to soothe his feelings. She always did this to him.

Gojo couldn't help but feel calmer when she did that, overlapping his hands with her own.

Yuri.. What are we? I've always wanted to ask that... But I'm too afraid of your answer..

Those were the words that had ran through his mind for the past 22 years he knew her. Sayuri had always been mysterious and enigmatic but her presence brought him comfort. The comfort nobody could ever give.

"Toru.. Don't be sad, okay?" Sayuri cooed into his ears, her voice ringing in his ears. "How about I treat you out for dinner? How does that sound?"

"Are you asking me out on a date?"


"So you are asking me out on a date!"

Sayuri chuckled at his words, pinching his cheeks softly. "Whatever makes you happy.." Her soft touch made his ears turn pink. The way she pinched his cheeks so gently made him feel butterflies in his stomach.

Gojo smiled at her, looking like a puppy as he looked happier than before.

"Then it's settled! Where do you want to go? Yokohama? Ginza? Roppongi? Just tell me! I know a lot of good places.."

Her soft laughter filled the room. He smiled softly. The atmosphere seemed so homey, just like how it was back then. It was just him and Sayuri together, laughing and joking without a care in the world.


They were now somewhere in Ginza, chilling and talking about trivial things like how their days were and what not. It was as if the higher-ups didn't exist, the curses didn't exist, all that mattered was them at that moment.

"So like.. uh.. I've been meaning to ask you.."

Gojo starts, averting his gaze as he sat opposite to her. He was a bit nervous, she was staring at him gently as if encouraging him to speak.

The air between them was so intimate. Too intimate that it made him so nervous.

To think Gojo Satoru, the Strongest Shaman alive, was nervous in front of a woman. No. This woman wasn't just any woman. This woman was the Scorned Vixen. One of the most alluring sorcerers in the world, possibly the most.

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