Part 9: A Cataclysmic Awakening & Rocky Origins

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Class 1-B: IZUKU!!!!

Valentine would aim his gun towards Izuku's body and was about to shoot until vines would wrap around Izuku's body and pull him out of the arena, causing Valentine to holster is gun before pulling out an American Flag and disappearing from the area. Then, Class 1-B would surround Izuku and try their best to keep him alive, but were slowly losing hope.

 Then, Class 1-B would surround Izuku and try their best to keep him alive, but were slowly losing hope

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Kendo: No no, don't die on us, please!!!!

Ibara: Don't go to the light, Midoriya!! You can't meet God yet!!!

Tetsutetsu: C'mon Izuku!! You can't die on us like this!! STAY WITH US!!!

Komori was just crying and weeping loudly as she held onto Izuku. However, someone or something would appear in front of Class 1-B, causing them to get on guard.

WOU: Calm down, I'm a relative of Izuku and I have a way to save him, just make way so I can get to him

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WOU: Calm down, I'm a relative of Izuku and I have a way to save him, just make way so I can get to him.

Class 1-B would be suspicious but would make way for the old man and he would kneel down next to Izuku before taking out a syringe labled "Locacaca 6251" and injecting its contents into Izuku. Then, WOU would place his hand on Izuku's head and a bright red light would engulf WOU and Izuku before dying down to reveal a fully healed Izuku wearing a bowler hat standing up right and completely rejuvenated.

Class 1-B: IZUKU!!!!

Kinoko would run up and hug Izuku tightly, which was returned with a kiss on the forehead from Izuku.

Izuku: Sorry everyone, I didn't mean to go down like that.  I have to say, that was the first time I've experienced my own misfortune and I nearly died from it, but, don't worry, it won't happen anymore.

Kinoko: It better not!

Suddenly, Izuku's eyes would become glassy and he would slouch over slightly before appearing inside of his mind.

Izuku: (Huh? What happened?)

WOU: (Midoriya.)

Izuku: (Old Man? Is that you?)

WOU: (Indeed. I have to say, you gave everyone a big scare there.)

Izuku: (Yeah, that was my fault, I should've been more prepared and had my guard up more.)

Hero's First Flow Of CalamityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora