Part 5: A Dangerous Pursuit

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**One Month Later**

Class 1-B was hanging out in their homeroom, talking and joking with one another, until Vlad came into the room, causing everyone to become quiet and look at him.

Vlad: Hello everyone. Today, we'll be doing something different for today. We're gonna be going on a trip to the U.S.J today.

Kendo: What's the U.S.J, Vlad~Sensei?

Vlad: It's the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. Pretty much, it's a giant stadium that is used by heroes for disaster training and civilian rescue programs since it has different environmental zones.

Awase: Wow! That sounds kinda cool! 

Rin: I agree.

Izuku: I have a question, Vlad King~Sensei.

Vlad: Yes, Izuku?

Izuku: I heard that Class 1-A was supposed to be going to the U.S.J, why are we going?

Vlad:(When did he...?) Well, from what I've heard from their homeroom teacher, he delayed their trip to the U.S.J because he claimed they weren't ready for it yet, so Principle Nezu passed it onto us.

Monoma: HA! Of course Class 1-A would be one step behind us-

Izuku: Monoma, shut up or I'll drop a steel bar on you.

Monoma would become quiet immediately, causing everyone to chuckle knowing that Izuku could do that exactly if he wanted to.

Vlad: Anyways, we're leaving in 15 minutes, so get changed into your Hero Costumes and meet me at the front gate of the building.

Class 1-B: YESSIR!!

**15 Minutes Later; At The Front Gate**

Vlad: Alright everyone! Get on the bus!

Everyone would get onto the bus and take their seats as the bus takes off.

**At the U.S.J**

All of Class 1-B would step off the bus and see the Space Hero: Thirteen standing at the front of the stadium.

13: Hello Class 1-B! 

Everyone: Thirteen!?!?

13: Indeed. I am the one who will be leading all of you through the Disaster Training Simulation. But before I do that, I want to tell all of you something important. For those who know and for those who don't, my Quirk is Black Hole, which turns my finger tips into a black hole that I can use to suck in whatever I want and destroy it on an atomic scale. 

Tetsutetsu: Whoa! That's pretty powerful!

13: Indeed. But, in the wrong hands, this Quirk can cause immeasurable amounts of damage. We all have these powerful Quirks and we choose how to use them. However, others are born with Quirks that they wish they could never have and society treats them like trash for it, which is why Villains are made.

Izuku would raise his hand.

13: Yes, Izuku?

Izuku: May I extend your speech with some experience from my end?

13: Indeed! What would you like to say?

Everyone would turn to Izuku.

Izuku: For those who don't know, I was a late bloomer, so I was originally Quirkless. Can anyone guess how my life was before I awakened my Quirk?

Kendo: Was it...bad?

Izuku: Bad? Oh no! Bad is an understatement. I was beaten, cursed at, bullied, and told I was nothing but a waste of space by everyone I saw. My best friend completely turned on me and tortured me everyday without any hint or sign for mercy or regret.

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