It's the Ghosts of Christmas, Charlie Brown

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Christmas was slowly approaching. Snow was all over the neighbourhood. Over at the Van Pelt place, Lucy was writing her Christmas list.

"Now, what to get for Christmas?" Pondered Lucy. "Well...."

Lucy wrote in large letters: REAL ESTATE.

Linus came around to see his big sister writing her Christmas list.

"Real Estate?! For Christmas?" Linus laughed.

"Come now, Little Brother! What better Christmas gift than Real Estate?" Lucy smiled.

"I don't think you can get real estate for Christmas, Lucy."

"Of course you can! First....."

Lucy was interrupted by her even younger brother Rerun coming to them with three letters.

Rerun: Look what just came in the mail, Linus and Lucy!

Lucy: Oh, I bet it's an early Christmas card from Schroeder!

Linus: I hope it's not a Christmas card from Sally! Every time she calls me her "Sweet Babboo"....

Rerun gave one letter to each sibling of his and kept one to himself. All three Van Pelt siblings opened their letter, it was an invitation of some sort.

Dear Linus,

You are formally invited

To the annual Christmas party

at the house of

Janice Emmons.

The party will be held on

December 25.

RSVP December 20.

"Wow! We're invited to Janice's Christmas Party! " Linus cried.

"We're invited to a Christmas Party for a girl who had cancer? Good grief!" groaned Lucy.

"Oh, don't you start that again, Lucy! Cancer is nothing to joke about."

"Tell her Lucy van Pelt won't be there because she doesn't want to catch her cancer."

"Well good! Because she might catch your crabbiness! Anyway, what day is it today?"

"It's December 13."

"Great! Plenty of time to tell Janice that Rerun and I will be there."

"You go and tell her. I'm staying home on Christmas. Grandma will be coming that day."

"You mean my blanket hating...."


"Well, I'll have nothing to worry about because Rerun and I will be at Janice's."

Lucy put on her blue coat, and walked out of her place to Schroeder's.

"At least someone will appreciate my company."

There was Schroeder playing his little piano. He was playing Für Elise, when who should come in but Lucy.

"Oh no!" sighed Schroeder, not liking Lucy's company.

Lucy, as always, rested at the end of Schroeder's piano, ready to start a conversation with him.

"Schroeder, have you been invited to Janice's Christmas party?"

Schroeder ignored Lucy and continued to play his piano.

"Schroeder, are you planning on giving me Christmas presents this year?"

It's the Ghosts of Christmas, Charlie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now