Walking through the school gates the next morning, you stifled a yawn from staying up late, reading through your most recent grimoire to add a few more spells to it.

You looked around, wondering why all the students were gossiping in hushed tones and rushing towards the gates.

Deciding to follow a few close behind, you listened to their conversation, your eyes narrowing at their nonsensical talk.

"Alexia? Who knows what's up with her. I heard she's a no-show today"

'I'll be showing your teeth the way out of your mouth if you talk about her like that again.' you thought to yourself before calming down and deciding to try and listen better.

"Yesterday, she went home alone though." the blonde with curly hair mumbled to her friends.

You quirked a brow at that. 'Didn't Minoru escort her home??'

The ginger giggled and waved the other two closer, her green eyes holding some form of scorn or the other. "You guys are so out of the loop. She rode the train with her noble boyfriend before getting off at her stop and going home."

"It wasn't a rumor?? She's actually dating that Kagenou boy???" The red haired girl who seemingly began the conversation basically screeched in shock, her face twisted in something akin to disgust.

"Oh my goodness, I would never be able to manage. How is she even holding up??" The green eyed blonde gagged, holding a hand to her neck as the other two airheads continued to laugh.

'Of course. You wouldn't know good taste in men even if it smacked you in the damn face.' Rolling your eyes, you made to walk away, however, the blonde's next words had you boiling with unbridled anger.

"I heard he's actually as subpar at fencing as Alexia, so they're a perfect match!"

You had to stop walking behind them, taking a few deep breaths to calm the anger that had begun to seep into every part of your body, your grasp tightening impossibly on your staff as you tried to convince yourself not to drag that girl by her choppy, split ended hair, only to see a huge crowd gathering by the inner gates.

"What is going on???" you muttered to yourself before heading closer to the crowd and pushing through, only to blink in surprise at the sight before you.

Cid, Skel and Po were knelt on the ground with their hands raised above their heads.

"What the hell....?" you realized how good it felt to be able to ask a few questions due to your authority as grand mage, so you ventured forward with your staff at the ready, your eyes narrowed at Alexia's fiance in annoyance.

"Mister Griffey....! What is the meaning of this???" You asked, your eyes turning a deep shade of crimson as you stared the man down.

"Miss Aria. An immense pleasure to be in your presence at the moment. These boys are in cahoots with the kidnapper, Cid Kageno. He made off with your best friend, Princess Alexia yesterday and we haven't heard from her ever since she left the school, so this gives us reason to believe that-"

You cut him off with a sigh, a hand pressed against your forehead as you crossed your arms. "Mister Griffey. If your accusations turn out to be false are you aware of what the consequences will be?? And are you telling me there wasn't a more sane way to handle this??"

"I am greatly grieved, Aria. Princess Alexia is missing. Surely you don't expect me to just wave the matter side when she's royalty. And she was last seen with the boy, so we've basically confirmed that he took her!" the blond had an expression that seemed to be unease on his face, but...

'But that face doesn't look genuine at all. Has this dude forgotten who I am?? Damn this all to the dryest parts of hell. I wish I could tap into my telepathic abilities here but my mind is being blocked by something!!'

You nodded, deciding to give up for now as you pulled the brim of your hat down over your eyes. "All right. I understand your situation, but I just wish you had been more civil about it instead of accosting them as they were about to go to their classes"

'I also wish you had concrete evidence but we can push this aside for now because there is no way in hell Minoru kidnapped Alexia. What would he even do with her?????'

Rolling your eyes, you stopped yourself from recoiling when Zenon took your hand in his and placed a kiss on the back of it, a grunt from Cid drawing your attention back to the three who were kneeling.

You shook your head slightly at the look on the boy's face, pulling your hand free of Zenon's grip after directing a feigned albeit sweet smile at him, your eyes hidden beneath the brim of your hat scrutinizing him continuously because of the energy you were getting from him.

‘What the hell is this ominous feeling? And his mana.... It seems baleful all of the sudden. This man...... Those empty eyes of his that he can manipulate to harbor genuine emotions are very dangerous. Zenon Griffey..... You've just become my enemy.’

Wiping at the cold sweat beading on your forehead, you stepped back a few paces, turned to face Cid before gently inclining your head at the blond man behind you and mouthing ‘Epsilon’ to him, hoping he got the message.

‘I swear if he doesn't set Epsilon or one of the beast girls on this guy, I'll go after him myself!!’

Walking away from the spectators and the boys who were kneeling, you went into the school and straight to the roof and resigned yourself to trying to reach out with magical energy to see if Alexia would respond.

Hopefully, you wouldn't freak out too much when you finally laid eyes on the missing girl.

At least, if you in turn survived the figure watching you with an excited smile from the shade on the rooftop....

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