Chapter 1: Blue Sea

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Ling Zhen is a three-year old young lady who is the princess of the kingdom of Lihskio, focused on reading books and writing poems. She's been awarded as the youngest person to write eighty poems in a month in the country of Lihskio. As expected of the only heir of Lihskio. Despite the young age, she knows how to hold sword and learned archery. She is a very talented child.
Years passed and Ling Zhen is now seven years old. She is always the talk of the town and the apple of the Duke's eye. The Duke loves her so much that he is willing to give everything to her daughter. He believes that the Princess will be the best ruler of the kingdom of Lihskio.
"There will be a ball at the grand palace of Zehdkile. That is where the Emperor lives. All the neighboring kingdoms are invited." The Duke told Ling Zhen while having luncheon.
"You will now prepare for it and find the best dress to wear. It will happen on the third week of the month. You only have twelve days to prepare, your highness."
Ling Zhen nodded.
Despite being known as the talented and genius princess, Ling Zhen is cold. Her words of replying are either short or just gestures.
She waited for her father to finish before standing up, bowing and leaving the dining table.
Everytime she will prepare for something, she will not ask for any recommendations or advice. She believes in her own perceptions only.
She went to the kingdom's tailor and told her to make her a dress with a pink and white theme. That's all she said and left. Then, went to the garden to visit her peace lilies. There are many other plants but her peace lily stands out as she is the one who takes care of it.
"Your highness, would you like to have tea?" Ling shaked her head and stared at the lilies. She then smiled and looked up the sky. "Today is lovely."
The servants smiled after hearing their princess's voice. She sat on the ground and relaxed.
A few minutes later, there happened to be a commotion in front of the palace gate. There are knights who are trying to break in. Ling Zhen stood up and went to the gate.
"Your highness. It's dangerous." One of the servants.
She opened the gate and talked to one of the knights.
"What are your intentions? You should have sent a letter before coming so that my father is prepared."
"We sent it a week ago. Your father must have forgotten it. Sorry for the commotion. Your guards won't open the gate for us."
"Where are you from?"
"The Emperor wants to meet the Duke." It is a young guy. He stared at the princess like his world stopped when he saw her.
"Open the gates. Let our guests in." The gates opened and the galloping of horses are heard.
"Your majesty. I'm sorry to forgot about your letter. Please forgive me."
"Forget about it. By the way, who is the young lady in the garden?"
"It is my daughter, your majesty."
"Oh.. Is she the best scholar that the whole country of Lihskio talks about?"
"I do not know about the talks, your majesty. But, my daughter is indeed a scholar."
"I see."
At the garden, the two young kids are sitting underneath the big tree.
"Hi. I'm Axion. You are?" Axion offered his hand but Ling Zhen did not respond.
"Oh. I thought you speaks." She continues to snob Axion and made a necklace out of flower petals.
"Nevermind. I like you." Axion whispered but Ling Zhen heard him.
"Stop your stupidity." Axion laughed. I forgot to add to Ling Zhen's personality. She is quite a madman. She spoke unnecessary things for a scholar and a princess.
"Your highness. If you're done with the necklace, can I have it?" Ling Zhen stared at Axion and nod.
"Is it okay?" She nod. "Thanks." Axion smiled happily.
"Here." Ling gave the flower petal necklace to Axion without an expression on her face.
But still, Axion smiled and said, "I will treasure this forever your highness."
"By the way, aren't you curious who I am?", Axion asked.
"No." Ling Zhen shortly replied, He laughed. "Why?" She did not reply.
Axion laid on the ground and put his head on Ling's lap which she immediately shoved away. But then, she put a thick cloth under his head to be his pillow.
"You're heavy." Ling Zhen. Axion laughed.
"It's time to go, your highness.", said one of the servants of Axion. He nodded and said goodbye to Ling Zhen.
"Let us meet again!", as Axion waved his hand.
It was two years ago when Axion were drowned in the sacred Blue Sea of Lihskio. It happened while he were sent to collect the books that the kingdom traded.
Axion's POV
"When are we going to get to the school?"
"About fifty more minutes, your highness."
"Wow. It is a very long time." I should take a nap.
"Defense!" What's happening? Ouch. They got me.
"Your highness!"
"Follow the horsemen! Shoot!"
"Be careful not to hurt his highness!" Oh good. It will be much longer to get there since I've been kidnapped. The knights keep shooting! Hey! You're going to shoot me! Stop!
Ow! The horseman that I'm with were shot and we're going to fell in the sea! Wait! Isn't this the famous Blue Sea of this kingdom? I'm going to die. I'm not familiar with this. Even though I know how to swim, I do not know the trick to get out of it.
They say, the sea will pull you into its deepest part and you won't be able to move. After minutes, you will eventually die. I am still young and I am the only heir of our kingdom. I should not die!
Lucky! There is a girl. "Help! Please help!" I can't hold any longer.
She is not noticing me. What should I do? My feet are starting to feel numb. I feel like my eyes are going to shut any minute now.
"Can you swim?" She... she is beautiful.
Oh no. I'm drowning. "Help-- me.."
"Where did you find him?"
"At the Blue Sea."
"What? You dive into the Blue Sea to save this guy? What if you were pulled by it?"
"I know everything with it. That's how I got him and me out."
"I'm just worried your highness."
"Where am I?"
"You are at the palace, young man. How do you feel?"
"I feel... "wait. It's the girl. She's here. She saved me?
"Hi. D-Did you save me?" She nod and looked away.
"I'm done here." She left me with the doctor.
"Tell me how you feel. If you're okay, you can join the dinner with me and the other physicians of the palace."
So this is the palace of Lihskio. It is just like ours but a little smaller in area especially the hall. All the furnitures are surely expensive. They are really known for their fortune and extravaganza.
Even their only heir is famous for being the best scholar in this country and a genius aristocrat. It is the most important the palace have to think of. I wonder what she looks like.
"By the way, pardon me sire. Where is that young lady earlier?" The doctor looked at me wondering why I asked.
"Oh. She saved me. I got curious. You know, Blue Sea is a dangerous sea here."
"She's got the skills."
"Uhm... where do you live? I can send you off after dinner." He said with a smile. No. He just wants me to go.
"I'm lost. I'm going to the school here in Lihskio when a sudden attack happened and I fell on the Blue Sea where the lady found me."
"Oh. Okay. Should I send you to the school then?"
"That would do. Thank you, sire."
Axion left the palace without knowing who is the girl who saved him from the sea.

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