No help wanted

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4 unconscious guards laid at my feet, electricity filled the air.
"If I recall this wasn't part of our great getaway!"
Mika, who had an additional 3 guards on the floor and smoke coming from his hands looked over at me, frustrated. He's someone who likes order.
I, on the other hand don't care as long as we get out of this place.
"Well I didn't figure our original plan was gonna stick, it was your naiveness that thought it would, now let's meet back up with Mia and Aiden before more of these show up." 
He glared at me and started stalking towards me, "You know, you're lucky you're cute and I love you or I might just ignite you into flames."
His glare now replaced with a smirk.
I crossed my arms and returned the smirk, "don't let my brother hear that or he might just freeze you into a ice cube."
"That's what these are for" showing me his hands engulfing into flames. 
"Alright cocky , well use those some more until we can find more guns where they haven't used all ammo."

Sam's POV
I nudged a unconscious guard. Alarm bells immediately going off, something is extremely wrong and the clock is ticking.
"Dang Sammy we just got here and you already took one out." Cas says clapping me on the back. "I didn't take him or any of them out, they were already down when I showed up."
Trev came over the earpiece, "so bad news, the kids aren't in their cells and we don't have any trace of them."
Cas looked farther down the hall, "looking at the several bodies on the floor I think they had their own plan."

The halls were deadly silent, an uneasy silent. The silent that comes before it sounds like the world is screaming at you.
"Ummm why does that guy look like he got thrown into a campfire?"
I looked over my shoulder at Cas who looked uneasy next to a guy who was burnt to a crisp.
"Must of forgotten to put on sunscreen, poor guy. We've all been there."
"Cas please stop talking to the corpse and keep moving."
Trev came up beside us with Nick, "that's actually really unsettling in a setting like this "
Gunshots caught our attention down the hall around the corner.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Apr 16 ⏰

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