chapter two | firewalk concert

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            RACHEL AMBER IS considered to be the queen of Blackwell Academy. Everyone loved her. Students either wanted to be her or be with her. Victoria Chase even fits into one of those categories, and that's the craziest part. She was super talented, and everyone could see her becoming an actor someday. That was the farthest thing from her mind right now, though.

The only thing on her mind was escaping Arcadia Bay and finding her way out. To her knowledge, pretty much everyone was useless in that department.

That's what she thought until she overheard Nathan Prescott talking to Victoria Chase in the drama lab. "What was so important that I'm missing my photography class for this?" Victoria questioned, her tone coming out annoyed. She always talked to people that way. For a while, she tried to be Rachel's friend, but that wasn't the way to do it.

"So, you know my sister, Y/n, right?" He asked her curiously, acting completely unaffected by Victoria's attitude. He was the only person to overlook it. Shocking. Victoria nodded, confirming she knew who he was talking about, and motioned for him to continue what he was saying. "We were talking yesterday, and I think she's planning on leaving Arcadia Bay. I doubt she would, but she seemed pretty serious about it." He explained, soon earning a glare from Victoria.

"I'm supposed to care about this because..."

"Well, you used to hang out with her all the time."

Victoria rolled her eyes, soon making her way out of the room. Rachel was quick to move away from the door. She leaned against a locker, trying to act as natural as possible. At that moment, Victoria had walked past her, taking a second to smile at her and wave before disappearing into a classroom.

Victoria might not have cared about it, but Rachel did. Y/n was her ticket out of the small town. She needed a plan to get Y/n to trust her.

First things first, she had to find out who she was. Then she had to plan out the perfect first meeting. She has some research to do and time to get started. It's time to chat with Nathan Prescott. As if on cue, Nathan had walked out of the drama lab and walked past her. It's time to start phase one of this plan. "Hey, Nathan! Wait up!" She called out to him, soon quickening her pace to catch up.

"Hey, Rachel. What's going on?" He asked her suspiciously.

Rachel had never talked to him before. He was one of those people that she tended to avoid. She had to put all the emotion she could into this performance. It had to be believable. "Do you know if your sister is doing anything tonight? I've tried contacting her for a while now, and she hasn't answered." She explained with the most convincing, worried tone she could get.

"She's going to some concert with Chloe Price tonight; that's all I know."

"That helps so much; thanks a lot."

She grinned at him, soon turning around and walking away. She knew exactly what the concert was. Once school was over, she had to prepare for the concert. She needed an outfit and a way to approach the girl. There was a lot of prep work to do; her time was limited. She wasn't sure if she was going to get everything in time.

Luckily for her, she's great at improv.

It was time for the Firewalk concert. Rachel was ready, and now was the boring part. The waiting part. Y/n and Chloe haven't shown up yet, and the band started half an hour ago. After what felt like an hour, she finally spotted them trying to push their way through the crowd to get to the mosh pit.

Their plan didn't work very well; they ended up bumping into a few guys, causing them to spill their drinks on their shirts. That's not good. She watched as Y/n took control of the situation, trying to defuse the problem before something extreme could happen. This wasn't part of her plan to approach her at all; maybe everything was fine.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐄 , 𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘭 𝘢𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now