The Thrill of the Chase

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"There are several things to watch out for with the convoy, one is that it is armored. And also guarded with 4 GAZ-2330 armed transporters. The vehicles that carry the supplies are Ural-4320s. They are what carry the supplies that need to be retrieved. The supplies that I estimate are in the Urals are food, ammo, water, weapons, or really anything that's necessary in this wasteland. Our armed guards for the survivor encampment up in the northern area, Boatsie need some extra supplies. And also the survivor camp you came from. So getting the convoy down and stopping them from getting to the White Hill Forward Operating Base will boost our chances for survival out here."

Fenner nods

"And where are the whereabouts?" He asks.

Christopher looks over

"Glad you asked. There are several escorts, but the main ones are going to be entering the North Island, one is going over to the woods... For whatever reason. There's no camp or FOB in the woods... But, whatever. Just make sure to get these convoys down before they reach the FOB."

Fenner nods in understanding

"Roger. We'll go do that now." Fenner says before walking back out to the VAB.

He climbs into the vehicle, seeing N and V.

"I'm back." He says.

N and V look to Fenner

"Oh, that took a bit." V says.

"Well, Christopher was briefing me on what we need to do." Fenner replies.

"And what did he say?" N asks.

"We've gotta go to the North Island area... And the woods for whatever reason." Fenner answers.

Fenner starts the engine again, driving off.

"We'll go to the North Island convoy first, and then the woods." Fenner says, continuing to drive.

They reach the bridge leading into the North Island, hiding the VAB in the snow before getting out.

"When the convoy gets here, rush them." Fenner says, N and V nodding with V giving a sinister smirk.

"I've been waiting so long for this." V says, laughing.

After some waiting, the sounds of engines could be heard in the distance. The group get into a position where they won't be seen and wait.

Then, a line of vehicles is seen driving past.

"GO GO GO!" Fenner, V and N rush the convoy.

The gunners of the vehicles start firing towards the three, but they kept running.

After a few minutes of firefight, the convoy was dead and N and V were now grabbing the supplies in the Urals and putting them into the VAB.

"Everything's in. Let's get that second convoy." V says, still smiling.

The three get into the VAB as Fenner starts the engine and starts driving again.

"Next is... The woods." Fenner says, driving to the woods that he saw on the map.

Upon reaching the trail into the woods, he saw skid marks.

"Damnit... Must've beat us to the woods." Fenner says speeding down the trail.

"Woah Fenner... Why're we chasing the convoy if it's... Already gotten to where it has to?" N asks, worried.

"N. A soldier never gives up on their mission." Fenner replies, still speeding down the trail.

When they reached the end of the line, they saw an entrance, and the convoy just sitting there. It was quiet. Too quiet.

"Something's off... Where'd the occupants go?" Fenner says, looking amongst the vehicles.

N and V climb out of the VAB, going to grab the supplies from the convoy.

"This is weird... There's nobody here." V says, looking around.

Upon getting all the supplies into the convoy, the three get into the vehicle.

"Well... That was easy." Fenner says, starting the engine and driving off.

Fenner grabbed his radio

"Christopher, this is Fenner. We got the supplies from the 2 convoy issues.

"Wow, you actually did it? That-... Nobody was able to do it! But thank you. Get to the gas station and we'll have some transport get the supplies to Boatsie and the survivor camp." Christopher replied.

Fenner kept driving, arriving at the gas station.

Christopher and a few vehicles rolled up to the area, several occupants exiting the vehicles and walking to the VAB. They grabbed the supplies from the VAB and put it into their own vehicles.

"Good job on getting those convoys down. USRF will struggle without their supplies." Christopher says.

"Well, happy to help. I also hate the USRF because... They've got relation to the United States. And I'm German. But.. Besides that, the second convoy, the one that went to the woods... Nobody was guarding it. It was just the vehicles and the supplies. Any idea what that is all about?" Fenner asks.

"Uh... No..? That's weird... USRF would be guarding their convoys-... I don't know the cause of them just abandoning it." Christopher replied.

A guard banged on the vehicle, giving a thumbs up before the vehicles then drove off.

"Catch you another time, Christopher." Fenner says, closing the door to the VAB and driving off.

Fenner's Life. [Murder Drones]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora