A Decision

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A/N: Hello folks! Hope you enjoy this fanfic! Lets see how this goes

Third POV:
Today was a special day for a specific little boy by the name of Izuku Midoriya, why was it special? Because today is the day that he finally gets to figure out what his quirk is! Excitedly he gets out of bed and as he rushes to get dressed he hears the front door open then close again as the sound of footsteps soon follow, 'must be Dad returning from hero work' Izuku thinks to himself as he quickly puts on a shirt with an image of the number one heroes face on it along with a pair a simple black shorts.

Feeling satisfied with his outfit, Izuku then puts on a pair of socks along with tennis shoes since after breakfast he and his family are going to the quirk doctor to get him a check up. Feeling all set and ready to go Izuku leaves his room and starts heading down stairs where he hears the sound of Idle chatter followed by his moms laughter. He smiles to himself as he quickens his pace for the last couple steps before finishing his decent with a small hop off the last step.

Finally being downstairs Izuku makes his way toward the dining room where he sees both his parents waiting for him already sat down with plates in front of them. " Good morning, Mom and Dad!" He says cheerily walking up to the table and making himself comfortable in his chair. His parents break from their conversation and smile warmly at their son, fondness in their eyes as their son smiles back at them; "Hey there champ!" His dad, Hisashi greets back while his mom just held that warm fond smile on her tired face exhausted from the surgery she preformed last night. "Are you excited about today, sweetheart?" His mother finally asks after a moment of silence and Izuku about to start eating the breakfast laid out for him only noded his head,eyes twinkling slightly as he did so. His mother nodded satisfied with the answer, she turned back toward her husband and idle chatter started up again between the two parents while they let their son eat breakfast in peace.

(Time skip to after breakfast and two cups of coffee for Inko + pov switch)

Izuku POV:

After breakfast Mom,Dad and I all start to head toward the car parked out front, Mom and Dad are still talking about whatever though they seem to have started talking about my quirk and what it could be. Getting into the car after dad pushed a button on his keys unlocking the door we all got in and started toward the hospital.

(Small time skip to them arriving at the doctors)

After arriving at the doctors, checking in and finding seats we began to wait, while waiting I began to think about what my friend bakugou will think about my quirk once I tell him about it, will he find it cool, like his? Or will he think its weird? What even is my quirk? I was stuck thinking for what felt like forever until I heard the click of a door opening, looking up I saw a doctor with his head poked out of the door that lead to the different hospital rooms for patient's to get check ups in, he was holding a clipboard.

With a quick nod the doctor looked up and spoke, "Izuku Midoriya? Room 204 please" and with that both my parents and I stood up and followed the doctor out the waiting room toward our designated room. While we walked the doctor turned toward my mom and said, "Dr. Midoriya, I didn't know you had a son." My mom looked at him and shrugged "Well it was never really brought up in conversation Dr. Garaki and please call me Inko while I'm off duty" the man only shrugged and nodded as he kept walking. After a couple more minutes of walking we made it to room 204 and the check up began. Mr. Garaki tested my reflexes, checked my eyes and ears and even gave me a shot that I missed after telling him I didn't have it yet.

Finally, It was time for the second reason for the appointment, my quirk! The doctor then took me to a separate room after telling my parents to go back to the waiting room and letting them know it won't take to long, the doctor sat me down on the table and began to take a few tests asking me a few questions along the way, after a little the doctor told me to rejoin my parents in the waiting area while he takes a look at the results.

Following his directions i rejoin my parents and wait with them, we wait for about 5 minutes before the doctor comes out again, he has an odd look on his face but it doesn't seem bad.

Mom looks at him and asks, "So what's the news doctor?"

The doctor looks back at mom that look never leaving and replies, "Well Mrs.Inko it seems your son does have a quirk, though it isn't like either yours or your husbands."

Mom, confused asks, "isn't mine or Hisashi's? What do you mean?" Dad nods in agreement also being confused.

The doctor only sighs and pinches his nose, "well to put it simply, your son seems to have inherited what we call in the industry an ancestry quirk, meaning he got it from an ancestor. Passed down from seemingly the dads side."

Mom seems to process this information and with a nod she asks; "What's his quirk then?" Dad seems to be lost in thought though he also nods.

The doctor sighs but then stands up straighter and adjusts his tie before clearing his throat and saying, " Izuku's quirk seems to be an emitter type quirk, though we can't directly tell you what exactly it does, it seems to be tied to ones knowledge of the medical filed, so maybe have him study a few things regarding it and see if it gives results." Mom only nods before standing up and reaching for my hand but before she does I ask "Can I become a hero with this quirk?" The doctor only looks at me and squats down to my level before saying something that will change my view of things, "I can't say for sure kid, but what I can say is that by the looks of it you may be able to become an amazing doctor." He then stands up patting my head in the process before taking his leave with a wave of his hand but before he completely left the room he turned around once more and asked, "before I forget, what would you like to call your quirk?" My mom looked at the doctor with a quirked eyebrow, "Can we really give his quirk a name if we're not certain of its properties?" The doctor stared back and shrugged his shoulders, "I don't see why not, besides it needs a name so you can successfully register the quirk under Izuku." Mom only nodded and looked at me with the same raised eyebrow, I looked at my mom then back at the doctor with a determined look and said without thinking, "I'd like to name my quirk Operation!" The doctor looked at me surprised for a second before chuckling and nodding, "Straight to the point, I like it." And with that and a wave the doctor took his leave.

On our way home I couldn't stop thinking about what the doctor said and came to a realization that though unspoken, I need to come to a decision, do I become a hero? Or do I become a doctor? I'll have to figure something out.

And I'll end it here! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Happy new years to everyone and I hope it all goes well for you :))

A Hero Playing Doctor(BnhaxOnepiece crossover)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang