Chapter 16: I Promise

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**************** I Promise *****************


When the movie ended everyone got up except Steve and Eddie.

"What should I do? He's asleep?" Steve whispered to Robin who responded with a shoulder shrug. The four guests walked to the front and so Steve menouvered out of Eddie's grasp. He showed Nancy, Johnathan and Argyle to the front door and they said their good byes. Robin waited to talk to Steve about everything. Once the door was closed Robin started with her questions.

To "Omg. So how long? How far? Wait so you like men now? How are his wounds? Off topic Robin. Have you guys had-"

"ROBIN!" Steve quickly interrupted. "Monday. Remember? Plus, I need your help figuring a few things out away from Eddie. I just-I don't want him to see me-I don't want him to think that-its just that-" Robin put a hand on Steves shoulder which made him look up at her and pause.

"Steve. I understand." she said in a calm and soft voice. And with that she left. Steve felt a bit less anxious now that his friend reassured him.

He walked over to the couch where he left Eddie. When he got over there he found eddie mostly awake.

"Well, good morning." Steve says while squatting down next to the couch where Eddie's head layed. He put his hand on Eddie's cold cheak.

"What time is it? Is everyone gone?"

"It's a bit after midnight. Yeah everyone just left. Your really cold let's get you up into bed."

"Wait. No. What about that thing you promised me?" Eddie smirks.

"Are you joking? You are obviously terribly tired. We can wait until tomorrow."

Eddie puts his hand over Steve's jeans covered dick. "What if I don't want to wait until tomorrow sweetheart?"

Steve takes a deep breath trying to keep himself calm. "Well too bad." And with that Steve grabs Eddie and lifts him up so Steve is holding him bridal style. "Plus, you are freezing cold. Your shivering."

"Yeah. I am kinda cold." He nuzzles into the crook of Steve's neck. Steve starts to walk to the stairs with Eddie in his arms.

"Can I have one of your sweatshirts?"

Steve chuckles a bit. "Your adorable. Yes, of course you can."

"I am not adorable I'm hot and sexy. Don't undermine me like that Steve hairrington."

Steve laughs."Yes, you are hot and sexy..." Steve leans into eddies ear and affectionately Whispers "but your also adorable..and cute..and pretty..and kind..and caring" Steve leans away and puts Eddie down since they are in their room now. He than grabs Eddie's west and pulls him in, lips not even an inch away from eachother. "And just amazing in every..." He starts to lean in closer to Eddie and look down at his lips as he speaks. "single..way" he kisses Eddie pationately. Eddie returns the kiss by grabbing the back of Steve's neck and pulling him in even closer.

They kiss like this for about a minute and than Eddie breaks it and says "Your all those things plus more sweetheart. I'm never letting go of you. I want to spend my life with you. Every single part of it. The good. The bad. Everything Steve hairrington. Everything."

"And we will Eddie Munson. I promise you I will never let you go either." Both of the boys were over joyed. Steve gave Eddie his yellow sweatshirt which was just a bit too big on him. They layed down and Eddie curled up into Steve's chest.

Steve was trying to warm Eddie up when Eddie said "do you ever get nightmares?... You know... About the upside down?" Steve did get nightmares frequently but they seem to mellow down when he is sleeping with Eddie.

"Yeah. I mean doesn't anyone who's gone through what we've gone through at this age get them once in a while?" Steve responded. Steve was rubbing Eddie's back and Eddie was latching onto Steve with his hand holding Steve's hip.

"I mean yeah but.... How often is normal?" Eddie asks.

Steve thinks for a second before saying "they're not necessarily normal but it's bound to happen at some point. Right?"

Eddie hesitates before asking "What if you get them every night?" Eddie had been having nightmares every single time he closed his eyes to sleep since everything happened. Even earlier when Steve was seeing guests out and Eddie was on the couch sleeping he woke up due to a bad nightmare as well. He didn't want to worry Steve too much so he never had mention it to him.

Steve is starting to get a bit worried and Eddie won't make eye contact with Steve. "What usually happens in them?"

"Well... The first nightmare I had was vecna slowely..." He stopped.

"It's OK. I'm right here." Steve whispers calmingly while slightly squeezing Eddie.

Eddie took a deep breath than continued. "Was vecna slowly killing the kids. I had to watch as each of their bodies crumbled like Chrissy. It was horrifying. And the others..... And the others was of you... Dying. And i-i couldn't do anything. I just had to st-stand there and w-watch." Eddie was holding back tears and Steve could tell. Steve pulled Eddie closer hugging him so tight that eddie felt like he was being crushed into a tiny ball. But Eddie liked it. It was calming and comforting. He felt safe.

Steve kissed Eddie's forehead than his cheak and than said "I understand. I get them too. But I'm right here, and your right here, and we are right here together, and that's never going to change if I have anything to do about it. It's OK. It can get really scary. And that's not anything to be ashamed of. It's normal. It's human. And it's OK to just let it out every once in a while. I'm right here Ed's." Steve grabs Eddie's chin and lifts it so Eddie can see Steve. Eddie has a tear running down his face now. "And I will never let anything happen to you ever again. I promise you." Steve starts to tear up as well. He wipes away Eddie's tear. "I promise you Eddie." I love you.

Eddie sniffles and says "I promise you too Steve." I love you.

Both Steve and Eddie tried their best to say those three words but couldn't do it. Maybe it was the fear that the other wouldn't say it back. Maybe it was the world which would never except them. Maybe it was the torror of possibly loosing eachother. And maybe it was all of it.

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