"Alright! Everybody!" I said loudly and all of the attention went on me.

"May I please introduce, the firstborn Bradshaw boy." I said.

"Wilhelm Pete Bradshaw. Callsign: Tarzan." I said and everyone cheered and laughed. Sienna walked out with our little boy in her arms and everyone awed at the sight of our boy.

"Look at that." Hangman said and they walked up to us.

"He is gorgeous." Phoenix said and we both smiled.

"Look, he has your neck, Rooster." Hangman said and I furrowed my brows.

"What?" I asked. This guy was just something else.

"Why the callsign Tarzan?" Coyote asked, neither of them taking their eyes off Wilhelm.

"Because he is a person of superior physical strength, agility and prowess. The strength he had to pull through and survive at 29 weeks without any complications. His agility to move fast out of the uterus like a super hornet and his prowess, well that was his unbelievable skill to charm everyone." I said and they chuckled. It was true though.

"Yeah, I can see how that is fitting." Phoenix said with a smile.

"Hi, Tarzan." She said.

"Can I hold him?" Fanboy asked and Sienna nodded and gently put him in his arms.

"It's actually perfect because we have two questions to ask." I said and Sienna nodded.

"We have given it a lot of thought over the past few weeks." Sienna said.

"We've had some time to kill." I joked and everyone chuckled.

"We have decided who we want to ask to be Wilhelm's godparents." Sienna said and they all looked at each other, just like we did when Sienna was picking who was going on the mission.

"And we would love if you, Phoenix, would be Wilhelm's godmother." Sienna said and her eyes widened.

"Me? Really?" She asked and we nodded.

"Yeah, you." Sienna said and hugged us tightly.

"Aaaah, I kind of hope you both die." She said and we laughed.

"Let's not wish that just yet." Sienna said and we all chuckled.

"And for his other godparent." I said.

"We would be honoured if, you, Hangman, wanted to be his godfather." I said and he looked over at me, completely shocked.

"You shitting me." He said.

"Nope." I said.

"We want you take care of him if something happens to us, Doucheman." Sienna said and he shook his head with a smile.

"Okay, I will allow you to call me Doucheman from now on, but it's only because this guy will become mine when you two hit the grave." He said with a wide smile and brought us both in for a hug.

"You two." He said with a chuckle.

"Always seem to surprise." He then added and we chuckled. Fanboy gently gave me back Wilhelm and Sienna set up the food on the table. Everyone sat down and I looked over at Sienna who was smiling. Life was absolutely perfect.

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