The Dream

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The Dragon-Wolf Come

Disclaimer: This is a fictional fan made story and thus is not canon to anything mentioned. I do not own any of the properties that are also mentioned in this story. They all belong to their original creators and I highly suggest you go check them out and support them.

Chapter One: The Dream

Jon Snow awoke to a weight pressing atop his chest. He leans his head downwards to see his adopted daughter Lucia sleeping next to him. Sofie was one of the best things that happened to him. And he was eternally thankful to be her father.

"Get up Lucia, it's time to break our fast." Jon said gently as he got up. Stroking his daughter's hair out of her face.

"Five more minutes papa." Sofie let out a tried moan.

Jon chuckled.

"Oh then I guess I'll have to eat the 20 sweet rolls I made yesterday all by myself then."

His words instantly got Lucia to wake up with wide eyes.

"I'm up! I'm up!" Sofie exclaimed, rubbing his eyes.

Jon let out a laugh at Sofie's antics, rubbing her hair. "Head downstairs, I'm sure Ghost and Neeko are starting to miss you." Jon said. His daughter nodded as she got out of the bed and headed downstairs.

Once Sofie was out of sight, Jon let out a sigh and stretched his arms. The blanket fell from his naked torso, revealing the numerous scars Jon had obtained during his adventures. Price for being the Dragonborn. Heh Dragonborn. If someone told Jon, years ago, that he was destined to kill dragons and absorb their souls and save the world then he would've called them a madman. But alas it was true that Jon Snow was the Dovahkiin. Not that he didn't mind now.

Jon went to grab a shirt when suddenly the world around him went white. He looked briefly circling around to see what was happening and what he saw horrified him. Something that is rarely possible to happen to Jon in the five years he has been in Skyrim. He saw death.

Jon saw the bodies of all the friends he had made during his time in Skyrim. He saw the body of his daughter Sofie. All of them were huddled and stacked inside the walls of a burning Whiterun with harsh blizzards howling in the wind. Jon slowly walked towards his dead daughter, his mind unsure if what he saw was some vision or illusion. However, before Jon can reach Lucia, a giant fist of snow struck Jon in the face. Jon covered his face to avoid snow from going into eyes.

When he felt the snow die down a little he lowered his arms. However, Jon no longer was in a destroyed Whiterun, now he was in an annihilated Winterfell. Every single building and the walls were crumpled down, stone, wood, and the dead litter the streets.

Jon wandered aimlessly in the city center where saw something that made his heart drop. In front of him were the heads of his family, the family he left behind when he traveled west. He tried to speak but the words failed to come out. Jon soon heard something approaching, and when he turned around he saw something that made his whole body frozen in fear.

He heard the stories when he was a boy. Old Nan would tell the tales to him and Robb whenever the two got in trouble or misbehaved. Tales of creatures that live beyond the Wall, that use giant ice spiders as steads. Their pale blue eyes can turn the bravest men into cowards. White Walkers.

All of them are extremely pale with little to no clothing on them. However, one of them looked regal with spikes that looked like a crown. Jon heard of this one, this was the Night King. The Night King stared blankly at the Dovahkiin, his blue eyes piercing Jon's soul. While it put the fear of the gods in Jon, it was overshadowed by the rage that built up inside him. Jon inhaled as he was ready to blast the Night King with an Unrelenting Force shout.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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