Chapter 5: Virtual Bonds, Real Decisions

Start from the beginning

- I'm doing my best, Cassy. Hang in there – he reassured, genuinely concerned. – I'll let you know once I find something. In the meantime, stay safe and don't open the door for anyone.


Cassidy ended the call, feeling a blend of emotions. She glanced around the empty apartment, her temporary imprisonment sinking in. She went to the living room and sank into the sofa, unfamiliar surroundings intensifying the weight of the situation. She was thinking about the routine she had just a day ago – her own apartment, her daily chores, and the comfort of her familiar life. Now, she found herself entangled in an unexpected adventure, questioning every decision that led her to this place.

The uncertainty of the situation was bothering her. She contemplated the strange circumstances – the unknown caller, the strange app, and the enigma surrounding Rika. "Who was Rika, and why did I end up here?" Cassidy mused, her mind swirling with unanswered questions.

The sound of the doorbell interrupted her thoughts, signalling the arrival of the groceries. Cassidy sighed, pushing aside the troubling questions for the moment. She stood up, and went to the entry door, where she picked up her groceries.

She began unpacking the groceries, and her eyes widened at the amount of food. Fresh fruit, quality meat, and an assortment of beverages filled the bags. The amount was much more than she had expected, and she couldn't help but appreciate the unexpected generosity.

Among the items, a conspicuous number of Dr Pepper cans caught her attention. It was an oddly specific choice, and she wondered if it held any meaning. Confused, she set them aside, making a mental note to ask Seven about it later.

As she continued sorting through the groceries, her phone rang, disrupting the quiet atmosphere of the apartment. Cassidy looked at the screen and hesitated for a moment before answering. Jumin's voice greeted her on the other end, smooth and commanding.


- Hello? You picked up right away – he began, his tone serious and resonant. – I'm Jumin Han. Don't get too excited about talking to me. I only called to hear our new member's voice, nothing else – he added. The smoky timbre of his voice caught Cassidy's attention. – I can talk to you for a few minutes, so if you want to ask something, I can take one question.

- Hello. Uh.. How do I sound? – she stammered after a moment, caught off guard, as nothing else came to her mind.

- You want me to judge your voice? – Jumin responded in his typical serious manner. – I didn't expect this kind of question, but okay. I'll listen if you want. Now, talk again. Slowly – he ordered.

Cassidy, caught in the unexpected spotlight, remained silent, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Jumin's voice, smoky and commanding, lingered in the air, adding an alluring quality to the conversation that she found hard to ignore.

- Now you don't say anything? – Jumin remarked, his tone carrying a hint of amusement. – Did you get shy? – his words, spoken with a confident ease, only deepened Cassidy's embarrassment. – It's okay, I think I heard enough. Your voice is very fine. I like it – he delivered the compliment in his distinctive smoky voice, catching the girl off guard. – I wouldn't mind hearing it for some more. It's as pleasurable as Elizabeth the 3rd's voice. You should be happy. That's the best compliment I can offer you.

Cassidy couldn't help but smile subtly at the unexpected compliment. The excitement bubbling within her made the moment memorable, as she found herself unexpectedly charmed by Jumin's intriguing attitude.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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