Michael's POV -Angst -TW

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    Tw: Self-harm, suicidal thoughts, abuse

     I hate myself. Everyone hates me. I am worth absolutely nothing. As I drag the knife across my skin, I forget everything momentarily, focusing on the pain and the droplets of blood that leak out of the cuts. I forget the pain. Neglect. Longing. Self-pity. I come home every day and go to my room as instructed. The only meal I eat is at school. They don't let me "waste" their food at home. He comes in after about an hour, asking me questions I somehow always have the wrong answers to. He gets angry and beats me till I pass out of exhaustion from crying so hard. If I tried to get help and he found out about it, the pain would be even worse. Maybe it would be better if I ended it all. No more suffering. No more hunger. No more thinking how things could have gone if I wasn't born. I hate myself. I slide the knife across as hard as I can, drawing more blood. I hate myself. 

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