chapter 14

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A/N: Hello everyone, I know I mentioned the tournaments to celebrate the green snake's birthday and I ended up forgetting to show some of them, so I came here to show you some or at least some cool scenes about what happened there.
My original idea, before I spent some time without writing, was to write several chapters showing how the days went by, what happened each day and such. But as I ended up forgetting the original idea and ended up giving a different direction to the previous chapters, I decided to do flashbacks of the things that happened.

So, stay with today's chapter 😘


2 days before Alicent's birthday

- Hi, aunt. - Y/n hears Rhaenyra's voice behind her as she walks through the halls and then stops and looks back.

- Oh, hello Rhaenyra. How are you? - Y/n asks, excited to see her niece.

- Good and you? - Rhaenyra responds and Y/n just says "I'm fine too". So Rhaenyra decides to start a conversation, She knows that her aunt doesn't really know what to talk to her about since they have never been that close. - I noticed that since you came back we haven't talked properly. I know we were never that close but I wanted to change that, you are my aunt and sister-in-law... - Rhaenyra says the last part a little embarrassed and Y/n looks at her with the same expression of embarrassment and they just come to a silent consensus that they should forget this part of the conversation. - And... I want to be close to my whole family. Well, at least my entire family who respects me. - she completes.

- I understand. You know, when you were a baby I was 2/3 years old, so I guess that should mean that we should have played together and stuff... - Y/n says and Rhaenyra nods - I think what stopped us from being closer was the circumstances... You know, your father pushing me further and further away, me being practically raised by the servants, Daemon being the only one who cared about me. - she completes.

- I know that my father and you are very distant, but I never really understood why. - Rhaenyra decides to stay on this subject that has always made her question the relationship between her uncles and her father her entire life.

- I think this has more to do with... My powers. - Y/n says a little uncertainly.

- Yes... But where did they come from? In this case, their source.

- When my mother was pregnant with me a witch came to the castle and placed a curse on her. I was supposed to die, but somehow I survived and she was the one who died. So they killed the witch but it seems her powers came to me somehow when I survived. But they came amplified. People who knew this witch and know me told me that she didn't have half the powers I have. And to this day that seems like a mystery, but that mystery is also something I don't want to decipher. I don't feel curious about revisiting the past. - Y/n says slowly and Rhaenyra listens attentively with her eyes widening at times with so much surprise.

- This is really very strange. - Rhaenyra says.

- Yes... But it already happened and it won't change. I'm not going to overthink it. - Y/n says and Rhaenyra nods.

They spend a few minutes in comfortable silence, walking side by side through the hallways until they arrive outside and Rhaenyra remembers something when she looks in the direction of the field where the tournaments took place days ago.

- So auntie, do you remember two days ago when my brother Aemond killed that Lord of a Southern house? - Rhaenyra asks and Y/n gets a little tense, how could she forget what happened? Aemond killed him out of pure jealousy.

"Y/n is sitting together with her (biological) children, (and) Haelena, Aegon, Cregan and Jasmyne, under a hut watching the tournaments until a guard announces that Aemond is next to compete.

A cruel and Sweet Queen /Aemond and Y/N Targaryen - English version Where stories live. Discover now