Extended Summary

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When Samrat Harishchand has a dream that visualised him losing his kingdom, the only way to save it, the astrologer tells him, is his most precious person, and the most valuable possession of his, his only daughter, Princess Vallari. Refusing to tell him anything beyond that, the astrologer demands to meet the Princess who's been out of sight for years. And now, the Emperor is left with no choice but to summon his daughter back to the palace.

Princess Vallari, the only daughter of the Emperor of Kosala, has mostly spent an anonymous life, travelling constantly, if she'd be a physician today, she'd be an astrologer tomorrow, yet, her disguises such, no one could tell it was her. All she'd have as companions, would be her horse, and her childhood friend and her maid who were willing to leave the palace behind to be with her, to accompany their Princess as long as they could. But as a growing, educated woman, of marriageable age and with a pretty face, life hasn't been exactly easy on her, yet, for her, it's been far better than living in the palace behind closed walls.

However, when she's summoned back to the palace by her father, all because of a mere dream, Vallari knows she has no room to refuse.

So when Vallari travels back to Kosala, after years, she realises a lot has changed.

And what has changed the most, are the politics, and the amount of rivals.

Kosala is collapsing, and the only way to save it, the royal astrologer tells her, is an alliance with the powerful rival region, the insufferable Prince of Avanti, Prince Kushagra.

And that's the last thing Vallari would do, even if the other option is death.

And now, tied in an unwanted alliance, with her freedom gone, confined behind the walls of the palace, she would do anything to change her father's mind.

But when her hidden identities are on stake with the Prince's threats, she's compelled to give in and now all she has in platter, is a forced alliance with someone she vehemently detests.

But with time passing by, she realises, he's not so bad as he seems, and hides a tragic past with demons to fight.

And with passing time, his growing attachment towards her is something she's getting used to, and growing to like than finding it suffocating, and that horrifies her, the doorway to her heart broken and shut, probably never to open again.

But that's what she thinks.

For her heart seemingly disagrees, willing to go on a war with her mind, to open the closed shutters yet again.

But the last thing Vallari wants to do is, fall in love amidst a forced fiasco.

Love Amidst The Forced FiascoWhere stories live. Discover now