×°Chapter 1°×

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Being a omega and walking at night in the village of seoul wasn't that great

Specially if you're being followed

Felix had noticed the creepy guy since he left his job, he worked at a small shop, so he thought the guy was just gonna wait for someone or a taxi, but he stayed until the store closed

Felix couldn't of cared less if his life was on the line, but something made him want to live, something told him to keep going to run if it was needed just don't die

So he did, right when he noticed the guy picking up his pace he ran

He didn't know where he was running to he just knew that he needed to lose this guy

He turned a sharp right and got face full of brick as he went into a alleyway without anywhere else to go

The only exit being the entrance, which was occupied by the guy

"Do you want money? Is that it?" he asked

---Warning mention of sexual assault but there's none so if you guys want to skip feel free to do so---

"Not only that." the man smirked, strong pheromones going off of the guy

'is he in a rut?!' he thought

"wait, no please!" he begged, the smell getting too strong

The man grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards him hiding his face away in the smallers neck

He tried to scream but the man put a hand over his mouth

He saw shinny eyes looking at them from the roof, he looked at them eye to eye


The person got the message as he jumped from the building right away and called out to the man

He just didn't notice that there were more then just 1 person

In total it was 7, men

"Really Yun? I thought better of you." the man mockingly said

The man who's name was Yun turned around at the speed of light getting startled by the voice he knew all too well

"Well if it isn't Minho, where's the rest of your gang at?" Yun said

Felix just backed away into something hard, he though it was the wall but when he looked he saw a face staring right back at him

Getting startled he almost yelled but the man covered his mouth with his hand

"Ssh, we're helping you, you're okay." he calmly said

"Promise you're not gonna scream when I let go?" he asked

Felix could only nod

So he was let go

He looked at him and saw 5 other stares

One of them looked at Yun and Minho and just kicked Yun forward making him fall to the ground at Minho's feet

"aww, did you miss me that much?" Minho said thanking the guy who kicked Yun

_T I M E  S K I P_

"Thank you so much! How can I repay you guys?" Felix asked

"I mean there's one thing.." the one with longer hair said grabbing his chin gently and making him look into his eyes

"Be our mate." he said

To be continued

What do u want to happen in the next chapter?

I'm hopen to any ideas you guys have for this story!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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