∆°Chapter 1°∆

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Chihiro's POV.

If you have to struggle when your young,your life will be easier when your an adult. That's what my mom always said. Honestly it was probably just a distorted version of some proverb.
"Your mother gave me this in case anything ever happened. She wanted you to have it." The landlady said. I opened the letter my mom wrote. 'Dear chihiro you must be very surprised to find yourself suddenly all alone in the world. I'm so sorry that I couldn't stay with you forever. It's every mother's dream that she'd be able to see her child grow into an adult. I'm sure you're probably wondering what's going to happen to you after this'
"Huh! I think you'll be fine so don't worry Mr. Sun always hide behind clouds. My only concern is that you're a little bit of a nervous wreak,remember life usually works out okay in the end so you don't have to stress about it to much. Do your best love mom. Thanks so much for the pep talk mom." looking at her picture before going to the stove and turning it on trying to burn the letter. "Chihiro! What are you doing. Your welcome to stay here while you figure things out." The landlord and Lady said before reading the last part my mom wrote.

∆°time skip°∆

"Doesn't matter how you look at it an elementary school kid is just to young to go through this kind of thing you know." I said.
"It's got to be tough. I'm surprise you came to school today." One of my friends Yuji Hino said.
"I made the bed,dusted everything,took out the garbage, started laundry and prepped the food for dinner. There was nothing left for me to do,so i came to school." I said putting my head on my backpack.
"I could use some help with my bedroom you know." another friend of mine Yukito Amarhara said.
"Are you moving in with a cousin or something." Hino said. "I don't really have any relatives." I said.
"I guess you'll just be homeless."
"That'll be cool."
"Yeah!" My friends said.
"Wow thanks for the encouragement." I said to them before my teacher came in and we got to our separate seats. "Morning!" My teacher said. Then I felt something hitting my head I turned to see it was Hino.
"If you need anything at all,just let me know okay." He whispered. I smiled at him.

∆°time skip°∆

"See you later!" Hino yelled.
"Bye!" I yelled back waving to my friends and going home.
'It's kind of weird. I feel like I'm stuck in a daze. I guess things haven't had time to sink in yet. I mean it make sense mom's always working so maybe I'm just used to not having her around. I might get to skip the whole grieving process.' I thought.
"Woef! Woef!" I heard a dog barking and saw a man on a wall telling the dog or puppy to go away.
"P..P..Please!..go away!.. Down,down. I was only trying to mind my own business here. I had no way of knowing I was on your turf...huh! Have you come to save me. I'm on borrowed time here." The strange man said so I picked up the puppy,looking at the man confused while he got down from the wall.
"I can tell that your judging me. That devilish monstrosity has you completely fooled. I know he looks cute with those precious paws and wiggly tail,but the fangs just gets shaper with age you known." He said.
"There you are boy!" A women said.
"Thank you so much." She said bowing to me before turning away. "Let's go" she said to the puppy running away.
"I appreciate you rescuing me. Your my hero." He said taking both my hands,shaking it while giggling to me. Then he stopped and stared at me.
"Hmmm? Wait a second." He said grabbing my face.
"Little boy might I ask if your name is chihiro." He asked.
I backed away from him,hiding behind a light post.
"Tell me who you are first." I asks him.
"So I was right you have such a remarkable resemblance." He said. "So much to meet you. My name is Madoka Takatori I'm your long lost uncle." He said.
"What?" I asks shocked.

∆°time skip°∆

"This opportunity will be such a blessing."
"We'll rest easy now you'll have a place to live." The landlord and Lady said. I got into the taxi before driving off,looking back at them.
"Take care of yourself chihiro!" The landlady yelled at me while waving.

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