"And now?"

She shrugged, "I'm doing better."

"I made your tea" Severus spoke. "Your favorite, chamomile."

It was really Remus' favorite tea, she just grew used to drinking it.

"Thanks, but I don't really drink tea now days."

The men looked at each other.

She felt guilty.

"But I'll definitely try it, you made it after all" she chuckled, picking it up and and drank. "Yum" she smiled.

"I tried" he shrugged.

"It doesn't really taste like chamomile though, are you sure you used the right bag?" she laughed, smelling it again.

He nodded.

"So, anything new?" she asked before taking another sip.

"I wanted to talk to you about Harry" Dumbledore spoke.

"Oh? Is he okay?"


"Did something happen?"


"Does this have anything to do with him ignoring my letters?"

Dumbledore was talking to her, yet she couldn't understand.

His voice suddenly became muffled and her shoulders felt heavy.

She looked around the office, trying to clear her vision.

Everything became blurry.

Why was everything so bright?

She blinked, trying to gain it back again.

"Excuse me" she tried to stand but almost fell, she gripped onto the chair as Severus reached out for her.

Their voices, why can't I hear their voices, she asked herself.

The lights were too bright.

She felt the grip he had on her arm, what was he saying?

And suddenly it was dark.

When Spencer gained consciousness, she was trying to breathe as someone took her out of the water.


I was drowning?

She gasped for her breath as she tried to keep herself afloat.

"Hey! Don't worry, you're okay" someone assured her.

That voice... she knew that voice.

She opened her eyes and saw the sky.

"You're okay, you're okay" they repeated.


"Try to calm down-"

"What- why am I in the lake- and why have you been ignoring my letters" she yanked her arm back.

They faced one another.

"Me? Ignoring your letters?" he scoffed. "You haven't even sent one!"

"Yes I have!"

"You never responded to mine! I've sent you one every week since school started."

Confused, she shook her head.

"What letters? You haven't-"

"I did" he swam back angrily to Hermione, she gave him a towel.

Someone placed a warming charm on her, she looked up and saw it was Severus.

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