Capt.John Price - Drunk

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You'd always been a lightweight, and Price knew that.

But after the last mission, everyone needed a remedy. Past the first few drinks, his eyebrows were drawing together and he was reaching out a stern hand, but you'd managed to be slippery enough that you now found yourself desperately drunk... where did price go?

Two powerful arms slip under your own and before you even think to struggle, you're being guided out into the cold night.

"Slippery minx," Price grunts as you stare up at him

I giggle and hold onto his shoulder

"Shhh," Price grumbles. "If you can't control your own damn antics, what good are you on a battlefield?" You're about to mumble an excuse when he's ushering you down several flights of stairs. The cold air bites at you, but the smell of fresh snow is pleasant, making your head swim even more.

"So why not leave me in there then" I say shivering a bit from the cold.

"Because I can't have you getting alcohol poisoning," he retorts. "You're basically under my care right now and I won't have you making a mess like that. "Come on," Price lifts you up again, and he is much stronger than he looks - or probably just a lot stronger when you're not paying attention. The cold air whips at your hair and it's hard to keep your eyes open as he carries on, your limp hand resting in his.

Suddenly you hear a grumble


"Yeah...?" Price's voice rumbles in his chest, but it's all tinged with amusement at your state. You're too far gone to even consider being embarrassed by this display, just happy to be in his grip.

"I'm hungry" I say looking up at him

"Hungry?" He raises an eyebrow as he continues on, your head cradled against his arm. "Of all the times for your stomach to make itself known... we'll find you something. What do you want?"

"Hmm" I lightly place my finger on my lip thinking about whatever food I could think of. I didn't really care what it was I just needed something to eat. I say the first thing that comes up in my mind


He lets out a rumbling snicker, still carrying you through the cold and soon, and soon makes it back to base.

"Alright then, pancakes it is.. how about some eggs too?" , he looks down at me waiting for a response

"Yummyy" I smile happily. "Oh, they'll be yummy all right," he adds, carrying you into the kitchen and setting you down onto one of the countertops with a soft thump. You watch his hands flex as he pulls out ingredients, humming softly to himself as his gaze flickers back and forth.

You watch as he starts to cook, swinging your feet at the edge of the counter. "Have you eaten anything today, before this?" he queries, glancing at you as he cracks a few eggs into a frying pan. He's in a shirt but his sleeves are rolled up and a few muscles are visible that would make any woman swoon. For the moment though, all you can focus on is the action of his hands.

"Mhmmmmm, before the bar me and Soap got a little something to eat"

"Good" he grunts. "Because I know you well enough that you'd forget to eat if you got too drunk. I don't like you being a light weight and drinking that much remember?"

As he talks, he flips the pancakes. I can't help but breath in the sweet aroma. They smell like heaven as they sizzle on the pan.

"Sorry Sirr" I pout

He chuckles softly "Apology accepted, It's not going to happen again though, understood? No more getting drunk like this again, I don't like being the babysitter."

Cod one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora