Chapter 2: Misao's Oppa

Start from the beginning

Ibuki finally broke from his idle state only to utter, "I don't have a Father."

There was silence. Only chirping birds, distant gossip and vehicles could be heard. Youra didn't know what exactly had happened that led to such a reaction from Misao. She stood utterly clueless.

Tears came down Ibuki's cheeks as he spoke, "My sister wanted to go on a trip with her friends, but we didn't have the money to afford it. So, I borrowed money only for her to enjoy. But I am a fool! A fool, Misao! All I wanted to be was her loving brother! I am a fool!!"

Ibuki burst into tears. He covered his face with his arms and ran away, startling Misao and Youra.

Youra turned to Misao and gave her a judging look, "Oh, look. Didn't you overreact?"

Misao remained silent as she had become dismayed after what she had said to Ibuki. Maybe she should have thought before she spoke. How could she assume things? She should have at least asked him why he did that. But now she was drowned in guilt and didn't dare to apologise. She left the stroll halfway and dragged herself back home.

When she arrived home, she called out to her mother, crying. She came to her quickly and embraced her, inquiring what had happened. Misao couldn't speak a single word, and all she did was cry her heart out in her mother's arms.

Meanwhile, Ibuki didn't return home but went to the rusty building where he had attempted to take his life. He was still crying, and he dragged his body up the building. He was determined to end his life then and here. He had had enough of his life and wanted to end his misery forever. He inched near the edge and closed his eyes, prepared to take his last breath. But before he could jump, he felt something pull him back. A feeling he never had before. A feeling of care and love. He stopped and thought for a moment. Then, he immediately rushed out of the building and headed towards Misao's home. He was tired, and his knees could give in at any moment, but he managed to reach there. Somehow, his memory did him well in navigating Misao's house. He reached there with the sky almost dark.

Panting heavily, he rang the doorbell, and Seo-Yun opened the door. Looking at the miserable state of the young boy, she brought him in and gave him water. She asked him who he was, and he said he was Misao's friend. Seo-Yun smiled at him pityingly. She called out to her daughter, but Misao refused to come down. So, Seo-Yun let Ibuki go up to her room.

Ibuki knocked at the door, and Misao responded with a muffled voice, "Come in. It's open."

He entered slowly and saw her on the bed, lying on her stomach with her head buried in her arms. Her room was beautiful and had a large window and balcony. A few inches from the window was her bed, and opposite the bed was a table. The wardrobe lay to the right of the bed. Her room was filled with an unusual scent. She had various flowers next to her window, and a small couch was near it. Ibuki could never imagine having such a room but was happy for Misao.

He softly called out to her, and she jumped in surprise at the sight of him.

"It is okay. I came here to apologise," Ibuki explained.

"Ibuki, you don't have to apologise. It's not your fault. I should be the one apologising." Misao brought him near the window and made him sit on the couch. Ibuki smiled at her.

"I might not be a good guy."

Misao giggled, "No one is perfect. And I think you are a really nice guy. How is your family, by the way?"

Ibuki grinned, "Everyone is fine. I have a cute sister and a lovely mother."

"If so, then why do you want to end your life?"

"Just because I am happy on the surface doesn't mean I am happy inside. Misao, honestly, I am completely dead from the inside." Ibuki turned to look out of the window at the evening sky.

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