Journal of a Paranoid Individual

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   You're in a dark room, or perhaps maybe a well lit room. Hell, maybe it's even a dimly lit room. I may not know, but HE does. "Who is 'he'?" you may ask. Not who, but where. He's here, in the same room. He knows your every move although you still have yet to even figure out who he is. He moves fast, but for now, he is fixed in his position. Don't turn your head or even let your eyes leave this screen. You haven't been compromised yet. If he suspects that you know, he will not hesitate to keep his existence a secret by unfathomable means. For now, either pretend to lose interest, close this window, and continue making rounds on your device as if nothing is wrong (to the best of your ability), or continue reading as if you're reading a normal diary entry.

If you've decided to stay, congrats, you're still unsafe. Let's be honest, you're never safe. You never have ever been safe. He's always been there and you know it. You've just been ignoring it. You feel its presence, and yet not once have your eyes ever seen it. You have no reason to believe that it's real if you haven't seen it, right? Obviously you're safe because you've just been able to force yourself to believe it's not there! Although this is somewhat true, I will not deny that there is definitely an issue that needs to be addressed. Have you considered the fact that one day, you may accidentally encounter him face to face? Do you really believe that you can avoid him your whole life? Although it has been done before, it would be nearly impossible for someone of your mental capacity to be able to handle the responsibility of keeping your own life intact. Bizarre, isn't it? I know you're trying so hard already to keep yourself safe.

Even you subconsciously know that the only answer is ignorance. Maybe you purposefully keep lights on in the night to ward him off. Maybe you refuse to open your blinds at all to avoid the coincidence of your inevitable meeting. Maybe you even find some source of noise to sleep to at night to block out the sounds of his movement throughout your residence. It's crazy, some of the things that you're willing to do to stay blissfully ignorant. Pay him no mind. He could be watching over your shoulder, reading every line, for all you know. But maybe he's not, and you're just imagining things.'

Your sense of object permanence may be mistaken when you find that a belonging of yours is missing. Sometimes he needs a cover. He's doing you a favor. My word of advice: If something seems out of place in your home, ALWAYS take the bait. He technically can't ALWAYS have an eye on you. Sometimes he has to listen instead. This is why you should be careful of where your go. Did your parent(s) ever tell you to stay away from suspicious places and be careful of who you're around in public? If so, they were right. Except they left out one little detail. You should follow the same rule in your own home as well. One day, you may go to open a door in your home, only to find that he is there, looking down at you. My solution: during the day, make plenty of noise indicating that you are going to be leaving the room. This could be stomping around or noisily pushing your chair back into your desk. As long as he KNOWS you are going to be moving around, it gives him an indication to hide himself behind the furniture. It's safer this way anyway.

Now, you may be wondering, "how do I know when he's around?" Well, the question should be "WHAT" and not "when". Be honest with yourself; he's always around. However, you never know exactly which direction you should be looking in to avert your eyes. I personally recommend looking in the general direction that you're walking at all times. You don't plan on walking through objects, right? Then you shouldn't accidentally look at an object that he may be hiding behind/under/in. For example. If you were to get up right now with the intention of leaving the room, you wouldn't take time to look at the other exits or objects in the room. You wouldn't look at the closet. You know he's watching. You wouldn't look at your bed either. What you should be focusing on is what YOU intend on doing. It's all about intention.

If you're really worried about him, remember that being around other people helps tremendously. No, it's not because he's not there. It's not like he leaves just because some other person shows up. If anything, by interacting with that person, you ARE giving him intel regarding whether or not you know he's there. However, it does ease your mind and give you something to look at so you're not so worried about spotting him. After all, he should leave you alone the majority of the time if you do what he wants.

I've learned that there is no getting rid of him except through the help of a medical professional. He doesn't want to leave. He wants to stay and watch. He wants to be the thing that keeps you up at night. He would only harm you if planned to stop DOING the things that you do. The things that keep you paranoid are the things that keep you alive.

By the way, I wouldn't recommend taking your eyes off the screen right now. He's there, beside you, waiting for you to turn around. He doesn't want you to know that he knows. He wants it to be a coincidence. If you have a light on right now and the switch is within your peripheral vision, do not take your focus away from it. The moment you hear it click off is the moment you're doomed. Just the fact that you're reading this means that you're doomed. He's not stupid. He sees what you do on your device. He always waits until he's convinced that you know. And by now, I'm sure he's convinced. Why? Because he already knows. Don't take your eyes off this screen. You could have taken the hint I put in the text, but you know now that it wouldn't work even if you tried. I'm sorry, but I'm getting tired of writing, and you've reached the end of the only thing keeping you safe. HE ALWAYS KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE DOING.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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