"Sapphire who's hear."

"My mom and my brother Alex" saying their names triggered the tsunami I was holding back with my eyes, and I cried.

"Wait I thought the Alex was dead, you never really said he was, but you acted like he was."

"He was, is Ashley, I saw him die."

There has to be an explanation there's no way that him.

"Then are you sure he's here."

"Yes, I would know him anywhere."

"Then how did you see him die if he's out there."

I was getting frustrated with her question, even though I understand that's she just trying to sort through the information.

"Because he the reason me and radiance escaped, he sacrifices his life for us."

Ashley hugged me tighter.

"Is there anything I can do."

I shook my head no I just need to get through the night.

"I just need a second can you hold me a little bit longer."

I sound a bit muffled because of the way I am holding her, but I know she heard me.

she clings to me tighter.

we just stood there in silence.

"Sapphire baby I know that seeing them is a lot, but you have to go find my mother she is probably looking for you."

I look up and she immediately wipes my tears away.

I sigh knowing she's right.

"Yeah, okay your right, it's just seeing them is a lot right now, I just barely started to move on without them only for them to show up."

"Baby it's okay you'll be all right."

"Wait what if you came with me."

"Sapphire, I wish I could, but we had a slight security breach and I have to go check it out."

I reluctantly realest her, my way of saying that I understand and headed towards the door but before I could reach the handle, she flipped me around to wear I was facing her and kissed me, I gasped but kissed her back. It was perfect just like she was.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome, babe now go and remember all always be here for you."

I smiled shyly and left.

I made way back over to the baroness.

"Sapphire, what took you so long i have a job for you, I thought you said you were getting a drink."

"Sorry ma'am I decided to umm"

think of a lie come on sapphire.

"Decided to freshen up a bit in the bathroom."

yeah, that its it

"Oh well next time don't take so long, in the meantime I just heard some horrible news from my closest friend Kristina and her son Alex."

I froze hearing my mom's name it been years since the last time i've heard someone call her that."

"Sapphire dear did you hear the rest."

I quickly responded, "no ma'am, sorry ma'am."

"Sapphire dear you have got to stop zoning out, I can't have my personal assistant missing important instructions."

"Sorry ma'am"

"Anyways as I was saying their house burned down and they don't have a place to stay, and I refuse to stand by and let them stay in a hotel room until they found somewhere else, so being a good friend, I offered for them to stay here for as long as they needed, in which they accepted now-"

before she could finish, I interrupted her, "you're letting them stay here."

"Yes, is that not what I just said" she snapped back. 

her tone reminded me of my place 

"Yes, ma'am it was."

"Now I already had the servants go prepare their rooms but i need you to show them there, there rooms are on the west wing."

"Me you want me to show them by myself" I responded meekly.

In all honesty was shocked there no way I can barely handle seeing them in a room full of people but having to lead them somewhere else let's just say if I wasn't ready to faint earlier I defiantly am now.

"Yes, sapphire now if I have to repeat myself one more time there will consequences."

her voice was venomous. 

"Yes ma'am"

almost as if God himself planned it himself my mom and Alex walked over by us just as me and the baroness finished our conversation.

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