Chapter 1

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The bustling energy of the school event lingered in the air as we students feverishly worked on our booths, transforming the campus into a vibrant spectacle. Amid the organized chaos, I found myself stealing glances at Anntonia, who was engrossed in coordinating the HumSS booth. The laughter and camaraderie of students filled the atmosphere, but for me, there was an undercurrent of anticipation, a secret awaiting its moment.

The hour of respite arrived like a fleeting gift, and I seized the opportunity to venture into the lively crowd of HumSS students. My heart raced as I approached Anntonia, who looked up with a warm smile that could melt even the most hardened hearts.

"Hey, Anntonia!" I called out, feeling a surge of courage.

Anntonia turned, her eyes lighting up with delight. "Michelle! What brings you here?"

"I thought we could spend our break together. How about a quick trip to Emall? My treat," I suggested, hoping my excitement didn't betray the underlying nervousness.

Anntonia's grin widened. "Sure thing! I could use a break from booth preparations."

As we made our way to Emall, weaving through the diverse crowd, I couldn't help but notice the ease with which Anntonia navigated the social tapestry. The chatter around us provided a comforting backdrop, but my thoughts lingered on the unspoken emotions I carried within.

Once at Jollibee, after placing our orders, we settled into a corner booth, a haven for heartfelt conversations.

"Thanks for this, Michelle," Anntonia said, taking a sip of her drink. "I needed a breather."

I nodded, my gaze fixed on Anntonia. "Anytime. So, how's the HumSS booth coming along?"

Anntonia shared the details of our creative endeavors, and as she spoke, I marveled at the passion in my friend's eyes. The booth wasn't just a project; it was an extension of Anntonia's spirit, reflecting her love for humanities and social sciences.

As we delved into tales of our day, the conversation flowed effortlessly, punctuated by laughter that echoed through the fast-food joint. The warmth of our friendship wrapped around me, momentarily easing the turmoil within.

As we finished our meal, my eyes met Anntonia's, and in that fleeting moment, a question lingered on the tip of my tongue. Yet, the fear of disrupting the harmony we shared held me back.

"Michelle, thanks again for today," Anntonia said, breaking the brief silence. "It's been a great break."

A pang of both relief and regret echoed within me. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Let's head back before the break ends."

We navigated our way back to the event, the looming confession pushed aside for the time being. The day resumed its vibrant rhythm, but within me, the unspoken affection continued to cast its tender glow, coloring our shared adventures with a bittersweet undertone.

The days flew by in a whirlwind of anticipation and preparation, culminating in the commencement of the much-anticipated school event. The vibrant energy, once confined to the booths' creation, now spilled throughout the campus. As I strolled through the hallway, a sea of students crossed my path. Unbeknownst to me, their purpose became evident as they caught me, leading me towards a surprising destination.

"What's going on?" I questioned, confusion etching my face. Despite my bewilderment, I played along with their lead.

They corralled me towards the marriage booth, a realization that hit me with a sudden shock. "What the heck!" I exclaimed, my attempts to escape thwarted by the students who held me in place.

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