Chapter 2

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The next day dawned with the absence of Michelle's lively presence on campus. The vibrant energy that usually accompanied her was noticeably absent, and a sense of concern nagged at me throughout the day. As classes concluded, I couldn't shake off the worry that had settled within me.

I decided to reach out to Michelle, sending a text to inquire about her well-being. The lack of a response only intensified my unease. Without hesitation, I made my way to Michelle's apartment, my mind racing with thoughts of what might have happened.

Upon reaching her door, I knocked, hoping for a reassuring response. Silence greeted me, and worry deepened into a sense of urgency. Remembering the spare key Michelle had entrusted to me, I swiftly unlocked the door and entered her apartment.

The subdued atmosphere inside contrasted sharply with the usual warmth that emanated from Michelle's space. Moving quickly, I made my way to her room, where I found her curled up in bed, shivering despite the covers that enveloped her.

Concern etched my features as I approached Michelle. Placing a hand on her forehead, I confirmed what my intuition had suspected – she had a fever. Without wasting any time, I went to the kitchen, fetched a basin, and dampened a towel to gently wipe her overheated body.

Returning to Michelle's room, I discovered her stirring as I approached. "Michelle, it's me, Anntonia," I spoke softly, my hand caressing her cheek. Her tired eyes met mine, reflecting vulnerability and discomfort.

"I'm sorry, Toni. I didn't mean to worry you," she whispered, her voice weak.

"Don't apologize. Let's focus on getting you better," I assured her, guiding her to sit up. I handed her a spoon, hoping she could manage to eat, but her weakness was evident as she struggled.

Taking the spoon gently from her hand, I decided to feed her, ensuring she received the nourishment she needed. The warmth of the soup seemed to bring a bit of comfort to Michelle, and as she finished, I made sure she lay back down, tucking her in.

I continued to caress her back, the concern in my eyes mirrored by a deep care for my friend. "Rest, Michelle. I'll stay with you until you feel better."

She nodded weakly, her gratitude evident in her eyes. As I sat beside her, our conversation turned hushed and intimate.

"Thank you, Toni," Michelle murmured.

"Of course. Friends take care of each other. Anytime you need me," I replied, my hand gently stroking her hair.

As Michelle succumbed to the exhaustion, drifting back into sleep, I remained vigilant, ready to provide whatever comfort she needed during her time of illness. 


The sun cast a weak glow through the curtains, and I found myself enveloped in a haze of fever-induced fatigue. The next day had dawned without my usual zest for life, and my absence on campus seemed to amplify the silence that clung to my apartment. As the day progressed, my phone buzzed with a gentle notification – a text from Anntonia, inquiring about my well-being.

I mustered the strength to respond, but even typing felt like a monumental task. The lack of a reply from Anntonia increased my unease, and before I knew it, the door to my apartment creaked open, revealing Anntonia's concerned face.

"Michelle, it's me, Anntonia," her voice was soft, a comforting melody in the midst of my disoriented state. Her hand gently brushed against my cheek, and I mustered a weak smile in response.

"I'm sorry, Toni. I didn't mean to worry you," I whispered, my voice barely audible.

"Don't apologize. Let's focus on getting you better," Anntonia reassured me, guiding me to sit up. She handed me a spoon, hopeful that I could manage to eat, but my weakness proved too great. She took the spoon from my hand, and with a tenderness that transcended friendship, she began to feed me.

The warmth of the soup seemed to seep into my bones, providing a soothing comfort that momentarily lifted the heaviness of my illness. As the last spoonful disappeared, Anntonia ensured I was tucked back into bed, her gentle caresses on my back offering a sense of security.

"Rest, Michelle. I'll stay with you until you feel better," Anntonia's words were like a soothing balm, and I nodded weakly in gratitude.

As she sat beside me, our conversation shifted into a hushed and intimate exchange. "Thank you, Toni," I murmured, my eyes reflecting both gratitude and vulnerability.

"Of course. Friends take care of each other. Anytime you need me," Anntonia replied, her hand continuing to stroke my hair with a comforting rhythm.

As the exhaustion claimed me once again, pulling me into a restless sleep, I felt a profound sense of gratitude for Anntonia's unwavering care. In the midst of my fevered dreams, her presence became a comforting anchor, promising solace and companionship during my time of illness.

I drifted in and out of fevered dreams, guided by Anntonia's reassuring presence. My apartment became a haven of warmth, with Anntonia tirelessly tending to my needs. The sun continued its journey across the sky, casting fleeting shadows through the curtains, but time seemed to lose its significance in the cocoon of illness.

One afternoon, as the fever subsided and my senses gradually returned, I found Anntonia sitting by my bedside, a gentle smile on her face. The room was infused with the aroma of soup, signaling another attempt at nourishing my weakened body.

"How are you feeling, Michelle?" Anntonia asked, her eyes reflecting genuine concern.

I managed a feeble smile, the gratitude for her unwavering care evident in my eyes. "Better, thanks to you. I can't believe you've been taking care of me all this time."

Anntonia chuckled softly. "Well, what are friends for? Besides, I couldn't let you face this alone."

I nodded appreciatively, overwhelmed by the depth of our friendship. "You're truly a lifesaver, Toni."

With a twinkle in her eyes, Anntonia held out a bowl of soup. "Let's see if this can coax some energy back into you."

As I took a tentative sip, the warmth of the soup enveloped me, comforting not just my body but also my soul. Anntonia watched with a satisfied grin as I savored the flavors, her company providing a much-needed respite from the solitude of illness.

"Have you been bored out of your mind?" I asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between us.

Anntonia chuckled. "Well, I've been catching up on some reading and, of course, perfecting my soup-making skills. But honestly, I'd rather have you up and about."

I couldn't help but smile at her words. "I appreciate your efforts, Toni. I don't know what I would have done without you."

Our conversation meandered through various topics, bringing a sense of normalcy back into the room. As the day unfolded, Anntonia stayed by my side, offering companionship that went beyond the duties of a friend.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow in the room, I felt a newfound strength returning. The fever's grip had loosened, thanks to Anntonia's care and companionship. Grateful for the friendship that had weathered the storm of illness, I knew that this experience had only strengthened the bond between us. And with Anntonia by my side, I looked forward to the days ahead, filled with shared laughter and new adventures.


Short update muna, I'm sorry. Nabusy ako, I thought makapag update ako ng maayos this semester break pero hindi pala. Sorry for the delay. Enjoy the story and have great day!

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 27 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Unrequited Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें