"Perfect" he smiled widely "I'll let you get back to work now. I've an appointment with my partner and---".

Frida turned to him again and giggled.

"What?" he asked confused.

She silently reached up impulsively to wipe some powdered sugar from his beard, tensing up when her hand came into contact with his skin "I... Sorry... You have... some sugar here" and she finished cleaning it, ready to draw her hand back, but he caught her wrist before she could move.

"Thank you, kind lady" he said, looking at her with affection mixed with lust.

For a brief second, Frida expected him to turn her hand over and lick off the excess sugar on her fingers, but he just released her wrist, and she felt almost disappointed. 'What the hell...'.

"Okay..." she mumbled, clearing her throat and wiping her hands with a napkin "Shall we talk later to discuss tomorrow?".

"Yeah, sure" he said in an almost strangled voice, getting up from the chair, ready to go and start breathing again "Talk later".

"Benny?" she waited for him to turn before raising her cup with a little smile "Thank you" she muttered.

He smiled and his deep blue eyes twinkled "You're welcome, Frida".


Benny went to pick up Frida at home and together they had breakfast in another café that he knew well near the main shopping street of the city, and she realized that he really spent a lot of time eating out. However, she couldn't deny that the cappuccino and chocolate braid that he recommended her to order were truly amazing. And also his cream puff of which she managed to steal a piece despite his weak complaints.

Afterwards, they began their mission through various shops, mingling among the crowd, advising each other on one thing or another.

She had always enjoyed Christmas shopping, but since she had her kids it had become a real mission to find everything on time and she had lost some of that fun. But with Benny... Well, it sure was an adventure.

Witnessing his enthusiasm, his eyes twinkling at every type of trinket and whimsical light or musical object he saw, thinking he could give gifts to more people than she could ever remember hearing about was chaotically sweet. She found herself repeatedly reminding him that they were there to shop for his children, not for the former neighbor of his former home.

"Tell me what your children like to do" she told him, looping her arm through his like she had done all morning so as not to get lost in the crowd on the sidewalks.

"Hmm, okay. Heléne loves craft works with paper and colors and all kinds of things whether shiny or little so that they end up everywhere in the house" he rolled his eyes and she laughed "Peter... loves music" he said fondly.

"Okay. So, for Peter we could get something musical. Some kids instruments or something. For Heléne we could opt for some sets of colors or some toys where she can create jewelery for children".

"Okay, where?".

"There must be at least 10 toy shops on this street, let's start with the first one and see" and she gently pulled him by his arm to direct him to the first building with a large illuminated sign announcing toys.

"Wow. These stores are gigantic" Benny muttered, looking around the immense store.

"They make you want to be a child again" she says enthusiastically. She loved children's shops. She turned to him but stopped with her lips parted to speak when she found him staring at her with a little smile "What?".

Silent night - A Christmas TaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora